Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper

Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a mental health illness in which the person affected has a warped sense of thinking and how they relate with other people. HPD is marked by rapidly changing emotions, easy influence, and the individual seems to believe that their relationship with others is closer than it is in reality. A person suffering from HPD is also dramatic in their speech and body language, has strong opinions, and seems to persistently seek attention (Lewis & Mastico, 2017)Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper.


To diagnose HPD using the DSM V-TR, an individual must meet five of the set criteria. The first criteria that the client in the video meets is that she develops discomfort when she realizes she is not at the center of attention during her date.
The second criteria she meets is that she has shallow and rapidly shifting emotions where in one instance she claims that she has a problem and that is the reason she is single, and in another she wishes that she was born in the 1940s where she would rule the radio waves as a jazz singer. She also meets the criteria of dramatic and impressionistic speech where she keeps dramatizing that she has a problem, and when asked which problem, dramatically laments that she is unaware of it. The fourth criteria that indicates HPD in the client in the video is the assumption that relationships are closer or more intimate than they are. From her story, the previous night was only a first date and she is evidently jarred that the date did not go as planned. Lastly, she is easily influenced by situations considering a date the previous night warranted her to seek a session with the therapist while complaining she has a problem. Her theatrics, dramatic ornaments inscribed “LOVE” and has a dressed-up dog on her lap.
Therapeutic Approach
The appropriate therapeutic approach to treat HPD is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). With this modality, the clinician teaches the client to develop useful problem-solving skills, address their impulsive behavior, and identify their maladaptive thinking patterns and replacing them with healthier and realistic thought processes (David et al., 2018)Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper. While undergoing CBT and learning ideal coping skills when triggered by maladaptive thoughts, the patient learns mindfulness, maintaining calmness and observing a pause before reacting, and interacting with others with more consideration.
The ideal modality for a patient with HPD is talk therapy, at individual level. A one-on-one session is more effective considering the patient would limit their intense behaviors as identified using the DSM V criteria. Such sessions would also help the client gain clarity and develop introspection skills necessary to query their maladaptive thoughts and replacing them with realistic ones.
Therapeutic Relationship in Psychiatry
This concept refers to the close association between a patient in therapy and a clinician providing the therapy. To avoid damaging this relationship with the client when sharing their diagnosis with them, the clinician should first understand the client’s perspective and mindset about their condition, according to Moreno‐Poyato et al. (2019)Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper. This approach helps avoid possible resistance to acceptance of condition and to treatment. There would not be any difference when sharing this diagnosis with clients in family or group settings since at individual level, the concerns about resistance remain the same.

David, D., Cristea, I., & Hofmann, S. (2018). Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is the Current Gold Standard of Psychotherapy. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00004
Lewis, K., & Mastico, E. (2017). Histrionic Personality Disorder. Encyclopedia Of Personality And Individual Differences, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_590-1
Moreno‐Poyato, A., Delgado‐Hito, P., Leyva‐Moral, J., Casanova‐Garrigós, G., & Montesó‐Curto, P. (2019). Implementing evidence‐based practices on the therapeutic relationship in inpatient psychiatric care: A participatory action research. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 28(9-10), 1614-1622. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14759Histrionic Personality Disorder Assignment Paper
