Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion

Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion


Hi Larry, I do agree with your statements that among the areas healthcare organizations can compete with each other are patients and revenue collection. Like any other business, healthcare organizations must differentiate themselves from others to gain a competitive advantage. Any organization willing to remain relevant and competitive must prioritize the pre-service period when the patients decide the care provider that will best cater to their needs, which depends on several individual factors, as you have mentioned in your post. The true price of healthcare services also plays an important role generally Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion.


I agree that to reach potential patients and establish a reputation; healthcare organizations must ensure that they market themselves in the best way possible (Fatima et al., 2018). It is not just marketing but marketing to the desired clients, ensuring that the benefits of using the organization’s healthcare services are evident to every client. The point-of-care phase does not begin until a client arrives for the service, the period during which healthcare practices should be made as memorable and differentiated as possible. This ensures that the organization retains the clients during this delicate period when they often have several options to seek care (Vrontis et al., 2021). As stated in your discussion, the care provider can be supplemented by establishing opinions with the customers. Knowing whether the patient has been satisfied with the service is very important as it helps retain them and enables the organization to make the possible improvements. The patients can also be encouraged regarding their conditions and wished for quick recovery Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion.

As mentioned, a targeted ad campaign that focuses on what makes it unique is necessary to ensure a healthcare organization remains competitive, especially in the preservice phase. One way to achieve this is to build a good reputation or image of ten organizations. I also concur with your statement regarding the importance of aftercare follow-up, which makes clients feel valued. However, there is something vital that you have not mentioned innovation. There is a need to invest in healthcare technological innovation that helps patients to remain informed about the services offered by the organization (Fatima et al., 2018)Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion. I finally agree that the measures mentioned creating a good reputation for a healthcare organization.


Fatima, T., Malik, S. A., & Shabbir, A. (2018). Hospital healthcare service quality, patient satisfaction and loyalty: An investigation in context of private healthcare systems. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.

Vrontis, D., El Chaarani, H., El Abiad, Z., El Nemar, S., & Haddad, A. Y. (2021). Managerial innovative capabilities, competitive advantage and performance of healthcare sector during Covid-19 pandemic period. foresight Healthcare Organizations Assignment Discussion