Health Services Information System Application Paper
Health Services Information System Application Paper
This longer written project is designed to give you the opportunity to select an electronic health record, identifying and discussing its key features. As part of this project, you will research your chosen software’s functions and how it works. The paper should critically analyze your findings. Specifically, the paper should offer the following information and address these issues: Health Services Information’s System Application Paper
- Name of the product
- Uses of the product
- Integration to other information systems
- User friendliness of data entry and data retrieval
- Benefits of this particular software over similar types of software
- The implementation process you would use to implement the EHR
- Other issues as identified by instructor Health Services Information’s System Application Paper
Topic: Profile a health information exchange organization. Conduct a search of the Internet, consult professional journals or interview a professional in the field. Research the status of health information exchange implementation in your state. Connect your findings to course objectives.
Health Services Information’s System Preview: Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Health Services Information’s System Application Paper
Health information exchange (HIE) pertains to the ability of various health care practitioners and movers to access vital clinical information in different healthcare information systems while maintaining the integrity of the information being exchanged. The goal of the HIE is “to facilitate access to and retrieval of clinical data to provide safe, more timely, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered care” (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2014). The acronym HIE may… Health Services Information’s System Application Paper