Health Service Organization Essay.
Health Service Organization Essay.
Consider the following scenario:
Rene is a health care administrator who works for an Health Service Organization (HSO) in a large urban area. Because she was previously a health care provider, Rene is sensitive to the need for health care delivery that also promotes patient safety. As part of the responsibilities in working within the HSO, the board of directors has asked Rene about the needs of the HSO for fostering improvement initiatives. To that end, Rene suggested initiatives aimed at increasing patient safety in light of a recent report citing poor patient safety across all departments in the HSO. The board agreed and has made Rene responsible for developing a new patient safety initiative. Rene quickly communicated with several department leads to determine potential courses of action to improve patient safety within the HSO. A meeting to hear from each respective department with contributions on how to implement a new patient initiative is slated for next week. Several department heads and the board of the HSO have been impressed with the commitment that Rene has demonstrated thus far.Health Service Organization Essay.
How are improvement initiatives put into place within HSOs? How might leadership and the approaches used by leaders contribute to the implementation of improvement initiatives in practice? As a current or future health care administrator, you will likely encounter improvement initiatives aimed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery.
For this Discussion, reflect on the scenario presented and consider the role of leadership for improvement initiatives in HSOs. Then, think about improvement initiatives currently in place at your HSO or an HSO with which you are familiar.Health Service Organization Essay.
Post a description of the improvement initiative(s) currently in place at your Health Service Organization (HSO) or an HSO with which you are familiar. Explain how leadership is related to the particular improvement initiative selected. Then, explain the levels of the integrated system of the HSO, and suggest two approaches that leadership might use to work within these levels to execute the improvement initiative you selected. Be specific and provide examples.Health Service Organization Essay.
Hospitals continue to be the largest segment of the health care industry, measured by economic volume and delivery of a wide range of professional services.
The different segments of the health care delivery system provide various combinations of services. The specific combination offered depends on a variety factors that prevail in a location, including state and local licensing laws, reimbursement structures, availability of medical personnel and facilities, and the demographic details (such as age and industrial distribution) of the potential patient population. The unique aspect of the health care industry from an audit perspective is the health care delivery system – the revenue cycle. …show more content…
Hospitals may be classified by type of ownership and mode of operation, as follows:
• Government – Hospitals operated by governmental agencies and providing specialized services to specific groups and their dependents, such as the military, veterans, government employees, the indigent and the mentally ill.
• Investor-owned (proprietary) – Hospitals owned by individual proprietors or groups of proprietors or by the public through stock ownership. The objective of such hospitals is to operate for profit.
• Voluntary nonprofit – Hospitals operated under the sponsorship of a community, religious denomination, or other nonprofit entity. This is the largest category (in number of hospitals), comprising two major types: teaching hospitals and community hospitals.
a. Teaching hospitals – Generally university-related hospitals, their health care service activities combine education, research and a broad range of sophisticated patient services. Large community hospitals affiliated with medical schools and offering intern and resident programs are also considered teaching hospitals.Health Service Organization Essay.
b. Community hospitals – Hospitals that traditionally are established to serve a specific area, such as a city, town, or county, and usually offer more limited services than teaching hospitals do.Health Service Organization Essay.
- Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.
- Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.
- Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.
- Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.Health Service Organization Essay.
Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid
Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:
- Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.
- Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
- Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
- Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.Health Service Organization Essay.
Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis
Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:
- Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
- How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
- Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?
Based on the feedback that you received from your colleagues in the Discussion, revise Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid and Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis.Health Service Organization Essay.
Then, using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. You can use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create your Fact Sheet or Talking Point Brief. Be sure to address the following:
- Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
- Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.Health Service Organization Essay.