Health Record System Essay Paper

Health Record System Essay Paper

Discussion: Health record system

The solutions you wrote for me:

Dr Palmer and his staff are upset by the many security elements provided in the health record system. Instead of inactivating the security features, a possible solution for their upset is to allow the security system to go to sleep after 15 minutes of no operation. This way, if the system will not be accessed for a given period of time, it shall be redirected into idle mode and health records shall not be rendered into jeopardy. This solution is practical because it gives the working staff enough time to have a break and go back in a manageable time-frame without having to log out. The drawback of this solution is that, within the set time frame, an intruder can access the system and possibly expose patient records.Health Record System Essay Paper



In addition of accessing the system through a username and a password, the system could be opened by fingerprint. This technique would only need an employee to place their respective finger in the identification system, then they would be granted full access to the system. The solution is practical since it will eradicate passwords and usernames granting the user simple and easy access to the system (Jamoom et al., 2013). The negative part of this solution is embedded on the cost of the finger-print system. In other words, every computer must be fitted with the system and this calls of additional costs. However, when all areas are put into consideration, I believe that this is the best solution for the problem. Simply, the fingerprint system will eliminate the tedious access of records through usernames and passwords. Furthermore, security of the system shall be increased since fingerprints cannot be leaked or copied like usernames and passwords.

a. Identify any areas of weakness within your chosen solution.

b. Identify hidden assumptions and beliefs you may harbor about your choice of solution. Health Record System Essay Paper