Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper

Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper

Compliance promotion is any activity that encourages voluntary compliance with environmental
requirements. Promotion helps overcome some of the barriers to compliance discussed in Chapter 2.

Most compliance strategies involve both activities to promote and enforce requirements. Policymakers
will need to determine the most effective mix of compliance promotion and enforcement response.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper
Experience has shown that promotion alone is often not effective. Enforcement is important to create a
climate in which members of the regulated community will have clear incentives to make use of the opportunities
and resources provided by promotion. Experience in several countries has also shown that enforcement alone is
not as effective as enforcement combined with promotion. This is particularly true for example when:
# The size of the regulated community far exceeds the program’s resources for enforcement, e.g.,
when the regulated community consists of numerous small sources, such as individual gasoline


# The regulated community is generally willing to comply voluntarily.
# There is a cultural resistance to enforcement.
Thus, promotion is an important element of most enforcement programs.
This chapter describes six approaches to compliance promotion:
# Providing education and technical assistance to the regulated community.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper
# Building public support.
# Publicizing success stories.
# Creative financing arrangements.
# Providing economic incentives.
# Building environmental management capability within the regulated community.
Education and technical assistance lay the groundwork for voluntary compliance. They are essential to
overcome barriers of ignorance or inability that otherwise would prevent compliance. Education and technical
assistance make it easier and more possible for the regulated community to comply by providing information about
the requirements and how to meet them, and by providing assistance to help regulated facilities take the necessary
steps for compliance. Education and technical assistance are particularly important in the early stages of a new
requirement-based program, and whenever the program requirements change.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper

Several types of information and messages can be communicated to regulated groups to promote
# Who is subject to requirements?
# What are the requirements?
# Why are these requirements important?
# What changes (including technical and managerial changes) must be made to comply with the
# How can these changes be made (e.g., What equipment should be used? How should this
equipment be operated?)?
# What are the consequences of not complying?
If deterrence is an important element of program strategy, the information communicated can include not
only educational information, but also reports of enforcement activities. This helps create an “enforcement
presence” and an atmosphere of deterrence. This atmosphere will help provide an incentive for sources to seek
assistance and comply. Table 5-1 describes different ways to provide assistance to the regulated community.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper
Promotion can be enhanced by developing a communications plan which specifies what type of
information will be communicated, how it will be developed, when it will be released, and how it will be
distributed. Similarly, a technical assistance plan can be developed to indicate what assistance will be provided, to
whom, and under what circumstances.
A situation in the Netherlands provides one example of successfully using assistance to solve a
compliance problem. Commercial establishments in the Netherlands are required to dispose of their hazardous

wastes through permitted processors. However, getting the waste to the processor has been a problem for small
businesses. Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment PaperThe processors are often unwilling to pick up small amounts of waste, and transporting small
quantities of waste long distances to a processor places an economic burden on small businesses. Small companies
were therefore often out of compliance with the hazardous waste rules. The Dutch government helped solved this
problem by establishing a collection depot in nearly every town in the Netherlands. Both private citizens and small
companies may discard their waste at these depots at regular times. This government-facilitated cooperative
arrangement was instrumental in helping solve this compliance problem.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper
The public can be a powerful ally in promoting compliance. Public support can help create a social ethic
of compliance. The public can also serve as watchdogs that alert officials to noncompliance. If the laws provide
the appropriate authority, members of the public or nongovernment organizations representing the public can bring
a citizen suit against noncomplying facilities. Public support can also help ensure that enforcement programs
continue to receive the necessary funding and political support to be effective.Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper
Building public support may be particularly important groundwork in societies where personal economic
concerns compete with concern for environmental quality, or where there is a general lack of awareness about or
concern for environmental problems. The public can be educated about causes and effects of pollution, its shortand long-term threats to human health and natural resources, and the costs to society. The extent of environmental
damage may be surprising new information to the public.
Enforcement programs can build public support by developing and distributing information about

environmental problems, the importance of compliance, program activities and successes, and ways the public can
support the program. Program officials can also work with nongovernment organizations that represent the public
to develop and distribute information and promote public involvement.
Nongovernment organizations can independently help promote compliance by publicizing information to
increase public awareness of environmental problems and to build support and pressure for compliance.

Program officials can provide an incentive for the regulated community to comply by publicizing
information about facilities that have been particularly successful in achieving compliance. In societies where the
public does support environmental protection, positive publicity about a firm’s compliance success can enhance its
reputation and public image. Such publicity helps create a positive social climate that encourages compliance. Health Promotion Activity Compliance Assignment Paper