Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments

Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments

The  HIPAA is designed to protect the privacy of individuals’ health  information. The Health Information and Technology for Economic and  Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was passed as part of the American Recovery  and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, in part, to strengthen the HIPAA  rule and notification requirements in the case of a breach.Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments

But  information collected by various health departments, like the Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health  Organization (WHO) is typically “confidential,” not “anonymous.”

“Confidential” denotes identifiable information linking you to the subject matter, but which will not be disclosed Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments


“Anonymous” refers to the existing subject matter that cannot be linked back to you.Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments

Using  the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about  HIPAA and the HITECH Act to find out how they protect health information  of individuals.Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments Based on your research and understanding, provide  answers to the following questions:

  • What are some safeguards that you think could be put into place to  reduce fear among individuals and groups who oppose identifiable health  data collection?Do the benefits of confidential health data collection outweigh the risks? Why or why not?Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments What, according to you, is the purpose of HITECH?What are the new notification requirements? Do you feel these are sufficient? Why or why not?What possible HIPAA violations could occur with portable PHI?What strategies should be put into place to make sure these violations do not occur?What are the requirements that a covered organization must take in order to be in compliance with HIPAA?Health Information Confidentiality Essay Assignments