There is no uncertainty that it is really of import to pull off wellness information particularly in realisation that patient information is normally scattered in different locations in the wellness attention system. There is demand to centralise wellness information in order to ease airing of wellness attention records therefore bettering quality of attention. On the same note. information direction in health care systems is a possible agency of cutting down wellness attention costs.

In malice of its importance. direction of wellness information is challenged complexnesss of implementing electronic information systems. every bit good information flow all of which are dearly-won to wellness attention suppliers. Electronic information systems and wellness attention quality Incomplete patient information has been associated with medical mistakes that have resulted into evitable deceases. Valerius ( 2007 ) for case studies that up to 98. 000 patients in the U. S. ere said to hold died as per the Institute of Medicine 2000 study due to evitable medical mistakes with most of them being due to missing patient information. Health Information and Technology Essay Paper

The hapless direction of patient records is partially attributable to failure to follow advanced information systems. Health attention systems are loath in following electronic wellness records ( ERH ) yet ERH have the possible to eliminate most of the jobs related to losing patient information. It should be noted that while an ERH system is encouraged. it is possible to utilize an electronic system together with a manual system.

Due to the complexness associated with switching from a manual system to an electronic system. medical practicians tend to reluctant to implement electronic systems ( Harrison & A ; McDowell. 2008 ) . As such. the chief focal point of such practicians is to supply medical attention to the patient and unluckily neglect record maintaining yet patient information is really critical in wellness attention. Information flow Information direction in wellness attention systems is a disputing facet in footings of sharing information.

Lack of a cardinal depository on patient information predisposes the patient to medical hazards. Stevens ( 2005 ) observes that when wellness information is non centralized. it leads to detain medical processs as clip is taken to look for the physician who may be holding the information. This is expensive financially and it is a clip blowing experience that predisposes the patient to inappropriate medical processs or decease in some instance. Even in instances where there is an information depository. information sharing may be a beginning of job. Health Information and Technology Essay Paper

In most wellness attention systems. the patient is mandated to roll up information on performed medical processs and so show the same to a general practician or a clinician. This procedure of information flow is non efficient and dependable since the patient can easy damage or mislay the medical study. Stevens ( 2005 ) references that the likeliness of the medical information non set downing into the custodies of the intended clinician is high. This is an issue that can be efficaciously addressed by centralising patient information. Confidentiality of patient information

Keeping patient information confidentially is one of the rules steering wellness attention practicians and interrupting such has legal deductions ( Dolan & A ; Barrister. 2004 ) . As such. healthcare information direction is supposed to adhere to this rule. This is nevertheless a hard undertaking with a centralized system which may to a greater extent allows handiness of information by unauthorised individuals. However. this is can be countered by proper hallmark of the users of the health care system. In add-on. the guaranting that the released information flows to the right individuals is a powerful manner of controling breach of confidentiality.


In decision. it is appreciable that healthcare systems experience challenges in keeping efficient information direction systems. Reluctance to follow electronic wellness record systems and small accent on demand to continue patient information is the chief cause. Healthcare systems must recognize that efficient information systems will cut down medical mistakes and costs related to such mistakes every bit good as enhance information flow. The possible job of breached confidentiality should be addressed by leting authorised entree to centralise wellness information. Health Information and Technology Essay Paper