Health Disparities Assignment Paper

Health Disparities Assignment Paper


Health disparities assignment: For this assignment, you will utilize the CSU Online Library to find a peer-reviewed article regarding health disparities and/or the social determinants of health. Write a review of the article that includes the following information: Health Disparities Assignment Paper


  • Briefly introduce and summarize the article.
  • Identify the author’s main points.
  • Who is the author’s intended audience?
  • Were any specific issues addressed in the article?
  • What were they?
  • How does the information in the article apply to this course?
  • Does it support the information in your textbook?
  • How could the author expand on the main points? Health Disparities Assignment Paper

Health disparities assignment

The article must be at least three to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and must be no more than five years old. The article used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. The assignment must be formatted using APA style. Health Disparities Assignment Paper