HEA 314 Health Behavior – Poor Sleeping Habits

HEA 314 Health Behavior – Poor Sleeping Habits

Health Behavior: Poor Sleeping Habits

HEA 314 Health Behavior ( Text Book Introduction to HEALTH BEHAVIOR THEORY ed by Joanna Hayden).


Please referents from the book too.

Each assignment please put like this assignment # 1,

Assignment #2

Assignment # 3


Give Example too.

                 Intervention Report & Presentation

Students will design an intervention that is aimed at altering some aspect of a theory discussed in class.

For example, a student may try to change the perceived social norms of alcohol use.

1) Choose a construct and theory that you think

Is amenable to change:

  1. For example, Perceived Social Norms

Assignment # 1: 2 pages with cited references on a

Health behavior problem/issue you want to address.

Describe the problem/issue with information about

The causes of this problem/issue. What theory or

Theories do you think would be used to explain, construct use, why?

Predict and understand to change this health

Behavior problem/issue? HEA 314 Health Behavior – Poor Sleeping Habits.

2) Create an intervention that will change that


  1. Could be a well-designed pamphlet
  2. Could be a website
  3. Could be a curriculum or program

Assignment # 2: 2 pages on your intervention that

you think would address this problem/issue. How

does your intervention work? What theory or

theories did you think would be used to explain,

predict and understand to change this health

behavior problem/issue? Optional: Include

brochures, handouts, charts, materials you’ve

developed or links/print screen of a website tool

you may have created.

(Submit: Assignments 1+2)

3) Write a brief report in APA format on the

activity and its outcomes:

  1. Should be about 5 pages
  2. MUST include a copy of all materials

Assignment 3: (a) Full draft with (b) references (at

least 2 peer-reviewed sources in a reference list,

APA format). © Must: Include all materials.

Include an evaluation form with 3-5 questions on

how you can know your intervention worked.

Check grammar and spelling before submission.

(Submit: Assignments 1+2+3)

Two Options for Intervention Report Format

1.Cover page


B.Cause 1, Theories/Constructs Used

C.Cause 2, Theories/Constructs Used

D.Intervention 1, Theories/Constructs Used

E.Intervention 2, Theories/Constructs Used

F.Evaluation Form


2.Cover page


B.Cause 1, Theories/Constructs Used

C.Intervention 1, Theories/Constructs Used

D.Cause 2, Theories/Constructs Used

E.Intervention 2, Theories/Constructs Used

F.Evaluation Form


HEA 314 Health Behavior – Poor Sleeping Habits