Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

Case Study: Handling Disparate Information – PSY 510 Week 4 Assignment





This is an ethical dilemma as it is reported that Leo is harassing the ethnic minority clients and present them with harsh and derogative terms. There is also no element of integrity in Leo because he is trying to deceive the supervisor and his Dr. Vaji on his conducts during the role-playing exercise and the actual supervision. The APA Ethical Principles that help frame the nature of this dilemma are the principles of showing honesty in all professional relations; the principle of showing compassion, dignity and respect to the clients; and the principle of showing respect to the rights of clients, colleagues and other health practitioners and observer law when dealing with the clients’ privacy and confidentiality. Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

Read Case 7: Handling Disparate Information for Evaluating Trainees on pages 364-366 in your textbook. Once you have read the case study completely, answer the discussion questions found in the attached document “Case 7” under the assignment tab.Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

While APA format is not required for the body of this Case Study: Handling Disparate Information assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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PSY 510 Topic 5 DQ1

Discuss why it is important to maintain professional boundaries when working within the field of psychology?

PSY 510 Topic 5 DQ2

What are some potential consequences if a professional has loose or poor professional boundaries? What are some factors that may make it difficult to maintain professional boundaries?

PSY 510 Topic 4 DQ1

Describe three to five different ways in which a psychologist or counselor may acquire or maintain competence in a specific area of practice. Does supervision play a role in any of the ways you described? Explain.Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

PSY 510 Topic 5 DQ1

Discuss why it is important to maintain professional boundaries when working within the field of psychology?

PSY 510 Topic 5 DQ2

What are some potential consequences if a professional has loose or poor professional boundaries? What are some factors that may make it difficult to maintain professional boundaries?

PSY 510 Topic 4 DQ2




Explore the divisions of APA (http://www.apa.org/about/division/). Which would you join? How would you use those divisions to continue your education/training in the field of psychology? Are there other ways to gain expertise in a psychological emphasis (i.e., forensic, development)? Explain.Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper

The stakeholders include the other three second-year graduate students, Leo’s teacher, clients, Leo Watson, Dr. Vaji, and the supervisors. The decision made by Dr. Vaji will affect the relationship between the three students and Leo with regards to their peaceful participation in the role-playing exercise in the class. The resolution will also impact the ethnic minority clients who will either be respected by Leo depending on such decisions. The level of supervision by the teacher and supervisor of Leo will also increase depending on Dr. Vaji’s resolution. Handling Disparate Information Essay Paper