Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

Objectives of the Project:

a) To supplement the student’s knowledge on growth and development.Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

b) To give the student an opportunity to observe a particular child, his/her behavior,

c) characteristics, and developmental level.


d) To increase the student’s knowledge of the developmental theories and how these theories can be used to assess the individual child.Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

1. Choose a child with whom you have close contact and an opportunity to spend

time with.

2. The child may be of any developmental age (newborn to adolescent).

3. It is best to spend a day or 2 two with the child in order to cover all areas of observation. If

you select

your own child, devote the time to the observation and the child and do not do other tasks

such as housework and studying.Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

4. You may, if you wish, to include photos, and/or work examples of the child. You should

comment on these in your project, indicating the appropriateness of each to the child’s

developmental level.Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper

5. The following information is to be included in the Project/Report:

a) Student’s name

b) Child observed (first name only)

c) Age of the child

d) Age of the child’s siblings (if any)

e) Relationship of the student to the child

For further instructions and grading rubric, please see Appendices.

Appendix 3: Growth & Development Observation Paper Grading Rubric


Textbook Picture: A thorough and complete description of the normal textbook picture of the growth and development of a child you have chosen to observe.

Areas observed included personal/social development, physical development (including gross and fine motor skills),Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper language, cognitive and emotional development.

Included a thorough listing of the developmental tasks appropriate for a child at this age. Nutrition and other needs should also be covered.

At least, 2-3 pages.

Maximum Score15 Points Your Score
Physical Development: Completed all sections thoroughly below, pertaining to the child observed.

1. Walk

2. Run

3. Jump

4. Use of toys and other age-appropriate equipment’s (e.g., balls, swing set, bicycles, skateboards, etc.).

Had watched the child used the equipment and determined the developmental tasks the child was fulfilling.

5 points
General Health: 1. Appearance – Provided a thorough description of the child’s

a) Height

b) Weight

c) General Appearance (body build, characteristics, descriptive word pictures).

d) Grooming (cleanliness, favorite clothes, health habits)

e) Birth problems which may affect growth and development (if any)

2. Sleep and Rest Needs

a) Number of hours per day – indicated how much time the child naps,Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper how much time the child sleeps at night.

b) Fatigue – Described how the child demonstrated fatigue and defended the answer.

3. Nutrition

a) Described food intake for a usual day (listed meals and snacks)

b) Likes and dislikes

c) Mealtime manners

d) Snacks – Described how often and what kind.

5 points
Emotional Development: Had given positive and/or negative examples of each section below.

1. Easily excited

2. Whines, cries frequently

3. Temper tantrums

4. Shy

5. Persistence in a task

6. Aggressive

7. Reaction to failure

8. Reaction to authority

5 points
Piaget’s Cognitive Development: Identified which levels the child is operating (Sensory Motor, Preoperative, Concrete Operational,Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper Formal Operational), defined and gave examples to support each. 10 points
Psycho-social development:Explained thoroughly the child’s stage of psycho social development according to Erik Erickson criteria of growth and development.

Enumerated and explained the major tasks to be accomplished.

10 points
Social Development:1. Communication

a) Size of vocabulary – gave examples of words, slang

b) Degree of communications (verbal and non-verbal-examples of both)

c) 2. Play pattern (gave specific examples)

d) Play with others (cooperative play)

e) Play near others (parallel play)

f) Special friendships (specific, with examples)

g) Tends to lead (when and how – specific)

h) Tends to follow (when and how – specific)

3. Degree of friendliness

a) With children

b) With Adults

4. Ability to share

5. Ability to take turns

10 points
Comparison of Textbook Picture with Observation:Compared in detail, the child observed with the textbook picture that was completed earlier.

Answered the question,Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper “How does the child compare with the textbook picture?”

Gave descriptive examples of areas in which the child meets, fails to meet or exceeds characteristics, abilities, and milestones for the child’s age group.

Length of this section should be a minimum of 3 – 4 pages.

15 points
SummaryProvided an in-depth discussion of several things learned from doing this project.

Length of this section should be a minimum of 1-2 pages.

15 points
No spelling and grammar mistakes 2.5 points
A minimum of 3 current sources were used 2.5 points
Cited al data obtained from other sources.APA citation and style are correct in both text and bibliography.

Growth & Development Observation Assignment Paper