Grant Proposal and Presentation: Human Services Essay
Grant Proposal and Presentation: Human Services Essay
Resource: Proposal Content Instructions
Identify the grant proposal topic. When selecting a topic, consider the following:
- Identify a problem or need in which you are interested;
- Identify a problem or need that is narrow enough to be addressed:
- Identify a problem or need that can be documented; and
- Identify a problem or need for which there is a solution. Grant Proposal and Presentation: Human Services Essay
Create a 10- to 17-page grant proposal for a real or fictional human service agency using either a real RFP or the sample RFP provided. If your team has chosen to prepare the proposal based on an actual funding source, you must submit the funder RFP or stated requirements with your completed proposal.
Include in the grant proposal:
- Letter of intent
- Cover letter
- Title page
- Summary
- Organization statement and background
- Community assessment process, and needs and problem statement. Grant Proposal and Presentation: Human Services Essay
- Program design methods and timeline
- Goals and objectives
- Program evaluation criteria
- Budget
Include a separate and additional assignment title page with the names of all your learning team members.
Format the proposal consistent with APA guidelines.
Resource: Proposal Content Instructions
Create a 10 to 12 slide presentation which is designed to sell a funder board of directors on the validity of the need and the program idea.
Include the following in your presentation:
- A brief overview of the grant proposal
- A description of the agency seeking funding
- The problem to be solved
- The objectives
- The methods
- The evaluation criteria and
- The budget
- Use appropriate audio and visual aids, such as Microsoft® PowerPoint®. Grant Proposal and Presentation: Human Services Essay