Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper

Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper


Post your proposed dissertation topic and describe how it contributes to the body of knowledge in your profession. How will your topic demonstrate originality? Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2

Identify four terms related to your proposed dissertation topic that could be entered into a search engine to generate a list of potential scholarly sources. Using the terms you identified, search the GCU Library or Google Scholar for 12-15 sources (including three dissertations) that could support your proposed dissertation topic.  You may need to experiment with search options and word combinations. Post the reference list generated by your search. What search strategy was most successful at yielding valid, academic sources?

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1

Using the prospectus that you have been developing in previous courses or at residency, write and post a problem statement and purpose statement for your intended dissertation topic/study. Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2

Construct and post at least one research question related to your proposed research topic. When constructing a research question, be sure to phrase the question using either “What is the difference between group one (name of group :___) and group two (name of group: ____) on the variable called ____?” or “Is there a relationship between variable called ____ and the variable called ____?” Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion


RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1

In the GCU library, locate four empirical studies you have not used before on a topic you are interested in researching (Use the Empirical Research Checklist to determine if a study is empirical). Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper List the theoretical foundation and Permalink for each study, and add the studies to your RefWorks list. Then determine a theoretical foundation for a study that you might like to research for your dissertation. Why did you select this foundation? Finally, comment on other learners’ theoretical foundations and if/how they can be improved.

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2

What is a theoretical foundation of a research study? Researchers often say that determining the theoretical foundation is the most difficult part of a research study. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why? What theory or model do you intend to use as the foundation for your research study? Why should the theory or model be used for your intended study? Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1

In Chapter 6, Hart describes elements of mapping as a means to identify topics for analysis within a review of the literature. The first step in the mapping process is to identify a focus of study and then to break down the components accordingly. Identify each of the topics/subtopics you will be studying within the scope of your research.  How might mapping help you organize these topics into a framework from which to write the literature review

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2

Post the outline and theoretical framework you developed in Module 3. Based on the criteria embedded in the Prospectus Template, what do you believe are the greatest strengths of your outline and theoretical framework? What components need revision?

RES 861 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1

Reflection is a significant element of doctoral study. Take time to reflect on your learning to date. What do you know now that you did not know at the beginning of the course? What can you do now that you could not do at the beginning of the course? What can you teach a new doctoral learner to know or do now that you could not teach them at the beginning of the course? Grand Canyon Assignments and Discussions Assignment Paper