Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1

There are four main stages of group therapy. Once the group is formed there is generally a pre-group meeting. Each group member is screened to make sure they will be an asset to the group rather than a setback.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

The four stages of a group, once established, are; the initial stage, the transition stage, the working stage and the final stage.




Each stage has a purpose and there are different expectations that must be addressed as the group progresses through each stage. The counselors and group members have roles that they fall into that also change as the group transforms.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Group Therapy – Initial Stage

The first stage of a group is the initial stage. The purpose of the initial stage of a group is to establish expectations of what the group is going to be like. These expectations include trust, roles, and goals. Confidentiality and conflict need to be addressed immediately. Also, any culture concerns must be dealt with. The counselors are there to explain the process and to support each member when dealing with confrontation. The group members must be participatory and involved. This can be tricky with court appointed group members but if the expectations of involvement are explained thoroughly they will learn that it is either participate in the group or face legal consequences.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Group Therapy – Transition Stage

The transition stage is a very difficult stage to get through. This stage comes after the initial stage and is when most of the group members feel anxious about sharing their feelings with strangers. Some members become defensive and resistant while others may be shy and fearful. It is the role of the counselor to keep the transition period on track and as pleasant as possible. This stage can be extremely uncomfortable for the counselor as they may be confronted, belittled, or attacked. If the counselor is good at leading groups the group will learn to trust and respect the counselor during this stage by leaving the negativity out. For the members to get the most out of the group they must participate cordially and this includes listening and giving advice.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Conflict typically appears when a group is in transition. State several forms of conflict you can expect in the types of groups you will lead. Consider group members suffering with substance use disorders. What are your own reactions to conflict? How will this influence your ability to help members recognize and work through conflicts?PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1 Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

 PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1

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PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 2 Latest July 2016




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Michele is presently a part time adjunct instructor at Faulkner University in the Counselor Education Department where she teaches Measurement and Assessment and Diagnosis and Treatment. I formerly taught at the University of West Alabama where I taught School Counseling and College Student Development Counseling. I was also the Student Success Coordinator for the College of Education.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

In this lesson, you will learn about the different stages of a typical counseling group, from obtaining a leader and screening members, to termination of the group and followup by the leader. Each stage has different experiences for group members.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

The Group Counseling Experience

This lesson looks at the stages of the group, from how to start a group to how to end it. Keep in mind that different theories are going to use different techniques and methods, but basically, these are the stages that a group will go through.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Forming Stage

The first stage of the typical counseling group is forming. During this stage, initial reserve will be displayed as group members get to know each other and try to not be rejected by the group or the leader. Within the forming stage are the following steps: developing rationale, deciding on a theoretical format, practical considerations, publicizing the group and pre-training and selection of members and leaders.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Developing a rationale for the group is important. If the leader has not formed a clear-cut purpose for the group, the group may flounder and be nonproductive. Deciding on a theoretical format will determine how the group will function from that point on. Practical considerations should then be taken care of. What time will the group meet? How often will it meet? Where will it meet? The location of the group can have an impact on its success and should be planned and organized well.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Publicizing the group will determine how it will be seen by others and who will join. Some of the best methods to advertise the group are through professional colleagues, personal contacts and written announcements. Written announcements, although effective, may draw people who are not suitable for the group and will require further screening.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Selection of members and leaders should always be conducted, and members should be screened, or interviewed, prior to the group in regard to their suitability for the group. Pre-training is providing an orientation to introduce potential members to group rules, expectations and projected outcomes and should always be done after selection of leaders and members.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Group rules, or the guidelines of the group, are established before and during the group. Most of the rules will be established before the group begins and gone over in the initial meeting. Limits, or the outer boundaries of the group regarding behaviors accepted within the group, and violation of the limits may be confronted by the group.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Transition Stage

The next stage is the transition stage. This stage usually begins after the forming stage, in the second or third session. The main steps of this stage are storming and norming.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

This stage begins with a storming period, in which group members struggle and compete with each other to find their place in the group. The struggles may be overt or covert, and the members may experience anxiety, resistance, defensiveness, confrontation and transference. Storming is a time of conflict and anxiety, when the group moves from being awkward toward having group conflict. The group works toward a balance of tensions. Anxiety at this point is related to fear of losing control, being misunderstood, looking foolish and being rejected. The struggle for power is the capacity to bring about certain intended consequences in the behavior of others.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper

Task processing, or ways of accomplishing specific goals, seems to reverse itself, which is healthy for the group. It most cases it is a pause, and then the group moves on. If the group gets stuck here, the group may choose a scapegoat.Goals of Early and Transition Stage Groups Essay Paper