FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper

FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper

FTK Imaging Lab Report: Writer will need my online login in order to do the labs. That information will be given once a writer has been assigned.

Step 1: FTK Imaging Lab Report

One of the first steps in conducting forensic investigations often involves creating an image of the forensic evidence. Forensic evidence can be found in operating systems, network traffic (including e-mails), and software applications. To help the detectives in your department understand the digital forensics investigation process better, you have offered to show them how you create an image using FTK Imager. FTK Imager can be used to analyze many types of media including audio, pictures, and videos. Graphics files can be a rich source of forensic evidence. FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper. Because you are pressed for time, you go to the virtual lab and decide to create an image of the “My Pictures” directory on your computer. This process is very similar to making a full computer image, but it takes only a few minutes rather than several hours. You are preparing a report describing the steps that you follow so the detectives can refer to it later. You will include a screenshot and text file (CSEC662_Lab1_Name.ad1) that document your imaging process with information such as hash values.


Step 2: Process an Image from the suspect Mantooth’s computer Keywords: Examining meta data, File systems, Hexadecimal and ASCII,Operating Systems, Report writing, File system information gathering In the previous step you imaged a directory for a forensic report using FTK Imager. Now the detectives have requested additional analysis so you decide to go to the virtual lab and use Registry Viewer to access user account information for the image from the Mantooth computer. The Mantooth image is a subset of a full computer image. While it is rich in artifacts, it is small enough to process in minutes rather than hours. Registry Viewer provides the ability to view the contents of various types of registry files so it will help to answer some of the questions posed by detectives. You can also investigate the suspect Mantooth’s e-mail activity and picture files. FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper. The detectives have requested the following information: Mantooth’s first name and a screenshot of a picture Number of jpg files in the Mantooth evidence file Names of the e-mail domains from the e-mail in this image, plus the number of sent and received messages and the dates of the oldest and newest sent and received e-mail message for each domain Names of people who have sent e-mail to or received e-mail from Mantooth, and the number of e-mails sent or received to and from each person Information on encryption—whether it was used for any of the e-mail, and if so, what type Evidence of potential criminal activity within this image Information on how PINs were captured Vehicle Identification Number of the ’92 Dodge Identity of Sean and his role in this case Malware that initiates on startup Information on password(s)—where you found it/them, whether it/they are usable, what it/they are used for The detectives are also asking for: Summary of findings Case documentation, such as tools used, version, and image hashes Screenshots or other forensic artifacts supporting your responses to the questions You review your responses and summary information carefully for accuracy and completeness, and save them in a single file to be included in your final paper on Using Access Data tools (Step 4). FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper.

Step 3: Process an Image from the suspect Washer’s computer Keywords: Examining metadata, File systems, Hexadecimal and ASCII, Operating Systems, File system information gathering The Mantooth image has provided a lot of new information, but the detectives want more. PRTK is the tool that can uncover it. An image has been taken of the hard drive in a computer belonging to a suspect named Washer. The Washer image is a subset of a full computer image (similar to the Mantooth image) so processing time is reduced. While it is rich in artifacts, it is small enough to process in minutes rather than hours. You have full confidence that an investigation of the Washer image will approximate the investigation of a full computer image. Registry Viewer allows you to view the contents of various types of registry files, but PRTK can decrypt files as well. Passwords for certain files may be recoverable from other artifacts on the image as well. The detectives have asked you to analyze the Washer and thumb drive processed images within FTK to ferret out the following facts. You will include your answers to these questions in your final paper on the Use of Access Data tools. What are the AIM usernames for Rasco Badguy and John Washer? What is the current zip code for the AOL IM account registered to Washer? When was AOL IM installed? Rasco Badguy and John Washer plan to camp. FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper. What does Rasco’s vehicle look like? Please provide a description. Who might Rasco bring with him? Provide the starting and ending points for their camping trip, as well as the name of body of water nearby (same as road running along shore). Find a map and directions to the spot where they will camp. Please provide this additional information: Document three distinct types of criminal activity that are under consideration and discussion by these individuals. There is a particular piece of software that will support one of the types of criminal activity under consideration. It is being obscured by file manipulation or encryption. Document the name of the file, its function, and what needs to be installed for it to operate properly. Document two names, addresses, and credit card or account numbers of potential victims. Prove that the file “How To Steal Credit Card Numbers.doc” was opened on the computer. The word “oops” has come up in intercepted traffic. Document what it refers to. Document three ways this case has familiarity or linkages to any other case you are familiar with. A number of people in this case owe money. Document who they are and how much they owe. Is there anything that links the thumb drive to the Washer image? Document how many times the administrator account was used and the date of the last login (hint: during 2008). FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper. Once again the detectives are asking for a summary of your investigative procedures and findings so you document the following: Summary of findings Case documentation such as tools used, version, and image hashes Screenshots or other forensic artifacts that support your responses to all questions You review your responses and summary documentation carefully for accuracy and completeness for you will be including them in your final paper. FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper.

FTK Imaging Lab Report Step 4: Submit Final Paper: Use of Access Data Tools The time has come to combine work products from Steps 1, 2, and 3 into a final paper summarizing the Use of Access Data Tools. You submit it to the detectives (your instructor) and cross your fingers that it contains everything they need to know about the most widely-used tools available for accessing and imaging forensic data.
Use and cite sources as necessary. FTK Imaging Lab Report Assignment Paper.