Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper

Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper

Research consistently shows that self-regulation skill is necessary for reliable emotional well being. Behaviorally, self-regulation is the ability to act in your long-term best interest, consistent with your deepest values. (Violation of one’s deepest values causes guilt, shame, and anxiety, which undermine well being.) Emotionally, self-regulation is the ability to calm yourself down when you’re upset and cheer yourself up when you’re down.Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper

If, like most of us, you can stand to improve self-regulation skill, a good place to start is an understanding of the biology and function of emotions in general and specifically feelings. Emotions move us. The word, “emotion,” derived from the Latin, literally means “to move.” The ancients believed that emotions move behavior; in modern times we say they motivate behavior. They energize us to do things by sending chemical signals to the muscles and organs of the body; they prepare us for action.Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper


Whether subtle or intense, conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, all emotions have one of three motivations:


In approach motivation, you want to get more of something, experience more, discover more, learn more, or appreciate more – you increase its value or worthiness of your attention. Typical approach emotions are interest, enjoyment, compassion, trust, and love. Common approach behaviors are learning, encouraging, relating, negotiating, cooperating, pleasing, delighting, influencing, guiding, setting limits, and protecting.Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper

In avoid motivation, you want to get away from something – you lower its value or worthiness of your attention. Common avoid behaviors are ignoring, rejecting, withdrawing, looking down on, dismissing.Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper

In attack motivation, you want to devalue, insult, criticize, undermine, harm, coerce, dominate, incapacitate, or destroy. Attack emotions are anger, hatred, contempt, and disgust. Characteristic attack behaviors are demanding, manipulating, dominating, coercing, threatening, bullying, harming, and abusing.Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper Forfeiting The Right For Self-Regulation Essay Paper