Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment

Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment

Each process (EBP, research, and QI) require a different set of skills, structures, and processes to support it and has its own type of rigor. Answer the following questions:
What kinds of resources are needed to engage in each of the three processes (EBP, research, and QI)?
How would you define “rigor?”
Does one process (EBP, research, or QI) take more resources than another?
Does one process (EBP, research, or QI) bring more “value added” than another? Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment


What kinds of resources are needed to engage in each of the three processes (EBP, research, and QI)?

The resources that are needed to engage in evidence-based practice include research evidence from systematic reviews, random controlled trials, and meta-analysis. Also, cohort studies, case control studies, and case reports are also used, though they are weaker forms of evidence. Other resources include work-based research (trial and error testing), feedback from clients and stakeholders, and practitioner experience and expertise (Grys, 2022). Resources required to engage in research include personal experiences, print media (books, journals, newspapers)Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment, interviews, surveys, web pages, and websites. Resources for quality initiatives include materials and supplies; human resources; tools; and equipment.

How would you define “rigor?”

Rigor can be defined as the process of adhering to specified constraints or maintaining consistency with predefined parameters for purposes of quality control. In research, rigor is required to make the outcome valid, reliable, and authentic. In lay terms, rigor means being exact, precise, and controlled.

Does one process (EBP, research, or QI) take more resources than another?

Because the three processes require different resources, the amount of resources required for each process varies. One EBP may require more resources compared to others. A QI may use more resources compared to research or vice versa (Hagle et al., 2020)Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment. The resources used for each process depend on the organization’s size, the nature of each process, organization type, the size of the target population, and the nature of the problem each process addresses.

Does one process (EBP, research, or QI) bring more “value added” than another?

EBP, research, and QI are all value-adding processes. The three processes add value by enhancing quality that aids professional practice, disseminating best practices in nursing, and promoting excellence in care delivery (Traylor, 2019). The three processes promote innovation, enhancement, and new knowledge. It is difficult to measure the value-addition in each process. Therefore, all the processes add value, but their impacts and outcomes vary Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment.


Hagle, M., Dwyer, D., Gettrust, L., Lusk, D., Peterson, K., & Tennies, S. (2020). Development and implementation of a model for research, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and innovation. Journal of Nursing Care Quality35(2), 102-107.


Grys, C. A. (2022). Evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and research: A visual model. Nursing202252(11), 47-49.

Traylor, T. (2019). Research, Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement. https://scholarworks.uttyler.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=nursingdnp Evidence Based Practice Journal Entry Assignment