Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

Typically it takes seventeen years to get nursing research from the “bench to the bedside,” and this is entirely too long! Just think of the compromises or “missteps” in nursing care that could negatively impact patient satisfaction and patient outcomes . Organizational change, as well as nursing care, must be grounded in evidence-based strategies at all times . It can be challenging to seek out and apply evidence-based knowledge for clinical practice, operational issues, and nursing leadership .Nurse leaders must have quality time to ponder, review, locate, analyze, and synthesize evidence-based resources to guide practice and organizational change .Nurse leaders must be able to apply effective evidence-based strategies to foster and promote quality care and achieve the organizational mission and strategic outcomes .Nurse leaders must also be able to clearly communicate change to multiple key stakeholders within the healthcare organization .One of the ways to communicate change is to prepare an executive summary describing the proposed change. Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 1. Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

This week, you will begin preparing an executive summary of an evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan .You will also present your rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change .


The purpose of this Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 1 assignment is to assess your progress on the final executive summary due in Week 10 .This assignment provides you the opportunity to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved prior to completing and submitting the final assignment.Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

Week 7 Tasks: Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 1

Begin this assignment by having a discussion with your practicum preceptor .Select a topic or area of interest related to your administrative experience in your chosen practicum setting .

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, prepare a 1–2-page paper covering the following:

  • Selecting the Issue: Provide a brief summary of the issues or problem areas of your selected issue or area of interest .Provide a rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change to this issue or area of interest .
  • Data Gathering: Conduct a literature review of at least two to three peer-reviewed articles as well as qualitative data related to the selected topic or area of interest .Explain your findings . Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper
  • Identifying the Change Theory: Identify one change theory that could apply to your selected topic or area .Briefly explain how you plan to apply this change theory to your selected topic or area of interest .Explain the goodness-of-fit of the selected change theory .Provide a valid rationale for your answer. Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 1

NSG 6630 Week 7 Discussion

Identify one current challenge your healthcare organization is currently working on to improve access to care for all populations in your geographic region and community.

Examine the role of the nurse manager in health promotion and disease management for patients and clinical populations with issues related to access to care in your geographic region and community.

Analyze issues and challenges confronting your healthcare organization with regard to advocacy for patients, families, and populations with the Leading Health Indicators and access to care.

NSG 6630 Week 8 Project


This is your fifth out of six journal assignments in this course .

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 8 into your practicum experience this week .
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week . Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

NSG 6630 Week 8 Discussion

  • Discuss one way your organization is integrating smart technology and medical devices to provide high-quality patient care in your current healthcare organization.
  • Describe how smart technology enhances quality of patient care and safety in your current healthcare organization.
  • Analyze the role of the nurse manager in supporting the integration and use of smart technology into nursing and healthcare.

NSG 6630 Week 9 Project


This is your sixth and final journal assignment .

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 9 into your practicum experience this week .
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week . Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

NSG 6630 Week 10 Project


Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 2

In Week 7, you began preparing an executive summary of an evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan .This week, you will finalize your executive summary and submit your assignment .

The purpose of the executive summary is to prepare a presentation for an audience of key stakeholders, such as a board of trustees or group of nurse executives and/or policy makers .An executive summary is a 2–3-page overview written in easy-to-understand language highlighting the essence of the evidence-based organizational change .

Week 10 Tasks

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the assignment you submitted in Week 7 .

Then, prepare a 2–3-page paper addressing the following:

Create an executive summary of the evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan regarding your selected topic or area of interest .The text in the summary should be double-spaced .

Develop your rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change by including the following: Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper

An overview of your chosen topic or area of interest and rationale for selection .

An explanation of the change theory you selected and its goodness-of-fit .

A brief analysis and comment on your literature review findings and the qualitative data gathered in support .

NSG 6630 Week 9 Discussion

Described the role of the nurse manager in integrating informatics and technology support in healthcare risk management and quality improvement.

Examined how informatics and technology support enhances the nurse manager’s work and strategic decision-making processes.


NSG 6630 Week 10 Discussion

Identify the strategic planning model used in your healthcare organization (goals-based; issues-based; organic; and scenario planning).

Describe how nurses are integrated into strategic planning in your current healthcare organization.

Identify two strategies you would use as a nurse manager to engage all nursing staff into the strategic planning process. Evidence-Based Organizational Change Essay Paper