Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper

Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper

Evaluation of Curriculum Assignment
Nursing faculty members and administrators are responsible for evaluation of the curriculum for the overall purpose of quality improvement. To ensure that evaluation is aligned with the curriculum intent, planning for curriculum evaluation begins simultaneously with curriculum design. The purpose of the assignment is to delve deeper into all aspects of curriculum evaluation.
In this 4-5 page paper you will discuss the following: (support your discussion with 2-3 peer reviewed resources with one being your textbook)


1. Introduction with thesis statement (Do not use “Introduction” as a heading)
a. Introduce the topic to the reader in 2-3 sentences to grab the reader’s attention.
b. Conclude this paragraph with a clear and concise statement informing the reader of the purpose or primary objective of the paper/discussion.
2. Purpose of evaluation curriculum
a. Formative curriculum evaluation
b. Summative curriculum evaluation
3. Select three (3) curriculum models from the textbook (pp. 427-428)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper.
Iwasiw, C. L., Andrusyszyn, M.A. & Goldenberg, D. (2020). Curriculum development in nursing
education. (4th Ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1284143584
a. Describe the models.
b. Discuss their value in nursing curriculum evaluations
4. Content of an evaluation plan
5. Once you gather the evaluation data, what will you do with it?
6. Discuss the benefits of participation in planning and conduction curriculum evaluation to faculty. To students.
7. Conclusion
a. Summarize the major points of the paper in one (1) paragraph.
b. No new information or references should be included in this section.
8. Scholarship.
a. Demonstrate Graduate Level Scholarship. Follows guidelines in the 7th Edition APA manual
b. Formal, scholarly writing style
c. Writing should be clear and concise.
d. Organize work by headings.
e. Correctly formatted title page included with page numbers formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.
f. Writing should be free of APA errors.
g. Paper to include a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed or scholarly references in addition to your textbook
h. Citations and references follow APA 7th edition format. References should be current, within 5 years.
i. Writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
j. Paper not to exceed 5 pages excluding title page and reference page
k. Additional deductions may apply for late submissions, plagiarism or lack of scholarship and professionalism in the assignment Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper.

Nursing Curriculum Evaluation

Evaluation in curriculum development focuses on identifying, clarifying, and applying defensible criteria in education to determine the worth of the techniques used in passing knowledge to the students Iwasiw et al., 2020)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper. Hence, it is true that curriculum evaluation is attained through appraising courses and the expertise exhibited by the trained individuals. While focusing on curriculum evaluation, it is crucial to note that there are several models used in this process, hence this discussion to help

The Purpose of Curriculum Evaluation

The evaluation of a practiced curriculum is done by the nursing school to determine its strength and weaknesses (Iwasiw et al., 2020). Additionally, curriculum evaluation may also occur to determine its redundancies, merits, and deficit. Therefore, evaluation is classified as either formative or summative evaluation. These are discussed as


  1. a) Formative Curriculum Evaluation

Formative evaluation is a part of an internal curriculum evaluation technique that provides evidence on the feasibility and effectiveness of part of the curriculum to enhance change in the current curriculum (Iwasiw et al., 2020). This type of evaluation, also known as informative evaluation, is carried out regularly during curriculum implementation to align acceptable practices in learning (Ali, 2018)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper. While the technique focuses on specific parts of the curriculum, it is crucial to note that the data collected in the evaluated parts can be integrated into use in other parts that have not been evaluated, fostering change in the entire curriculum program. A good example is seen when there are problems at the beginning of the program, which means that the entire program may require a review, hence a change in a majority of its parts. Therefore, the primary sources for data in formative evaluation are students and faculty members. The audience is the mentioned inclusive of the administrators.

  1. b) Summative Evaluation

Summative evaluation occurs at the completion of a part of the curriculum program or the entire curriculum. Therefore, summative evaluation determines the general evaluation of a curriculum program and forms the basis of recommendations that can be put in place for improvement or continuation and halting the program (Ali, 2018). Summative data is from graduates, students, faculty members, administrators, and other stakeholders, who also are the audience for summative evaluation.

Curriculum Models

Some of the curriculum evaluation models include Scriven’s (1967-1972) goal-free model, Stake’s (1991) education evaluation model, and Eisner’s (1977, 1985) model in the nursing curriculum evaluation (Iwasiw et al., 2020)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper. This part of the essay describes the models with regard to their value in evaluating curriculum programs.

A Description of the Scriven’s Model

According to Iwasiw et al.  (2020), Scriven’s ideology of curriculum evaluation focuses on measuring program outcomes regardless of its objectives. This model is applicable in both formative and summative evaluations of the curriculum program.

The Value of Scriven’s Model in Nursing Curriculum Evaluation

The approach allows the evaluators to identify unintended issues that may be implicating the effectiveness of a program, besides revealing hidden information in a curriculum program (Iwasiw et al., 2020). Similarly, having mentioned that Scriven’s ideology allows for both summative and informative evaluation, and allows for the identification of errors at the beginning and the end of the curriculum program, it is evident that this allows for holistic evaluation of the learning program.

 Stake’s (1991) Education Evaluation Model

The model evaluates learning programs based on stakeholder feedback with an aim of identifying their strengths and weaknesses (Iwasiw et al., 2020). Data is attained using various methods to help determine any issues that may implicate the success of the program.

The Value of Stake’s (1991) Model in the Nursing Curriculum Evaluation

The integration of Stake’s (1991) model ensures the identification of merits and challenges of the nursing learning module, hence the adoption of relevant responses with regard to the identified concerns Iwasiw et al., 2020)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper.

Eisner’s (1977, 1985) Connoiser or Critic Model

According to Iwasiw et al. (2020), the model allows for expert criticism of an education program besides understanding and appreciating the quality of a learning program and the role of the teacher in a classroom in running a particular curriculum.

The Value of Eisner’s (1977, 1985) Model in the Nursing Curriculum Evaluation

The approach allows external experts to evaluate the nursing program, which may enhance the development of unique ideas in the program. The model helps foster change, thus quality in nursing programs (Iwasiw, Andrusyszyn & Goldenberg, 2020).

The Contents of an Evaluation Plan

An evaluation plan focuses on attaining both summative and formative evaluation processes. Therefore, a good curriculum evaluation plan should have the processes of collecting data, and a definition of the data to be collected, and the allocated time for gathering the information. The plan should also have the names of data collectors, the analysis and data interpretation procedures, and the criteria for evaluation, besides the individuals analyzing and interpreting the data and giving recommendations. Lastly, the report’s recipient is indicated in the plan besides the review process and the general procedure for the plan Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper.

Actions to Undertake Once Evaluation Data has been Gathered

According to Iwasiw et al., 2020), data collected for evaluation purposes can be used for various several purposes that may focus on improving the curriculum program and beyond this reason. Therefore, judging the curriculum quality and making recommendations after gathering the required information is necessary in ensuring excellent interpretation of facts through rigorous analysis techniques performed by well-skilled experts (Iwasiw et al., 2020). The results are then reported and recommendations are made based on the findings of the evaluation process. Lastly, the stakeholders reflect on the process and decide on the way forward (determining the continuation, halting, or change in the curriculum program)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper.

The Benefits of Participating in Planning and Conducting Curriculum Evaluation

Faculty Members

Participating in the curriculum evaluation process helps increase awareness among the faculty members, fostering positive attitudes and an appreciation of the impact the process has on the curriculum itself. Similarly, the acquired knowledge can be used by individuals developing the program for improvement, positively impacting their career paths. Faculty members can also have a deeper understanding of issues and various concepts in their curriculum, making them creative and able to initiate better ideas for improving the program without its review (Malecka et al., 2020). The evaluation process adopts research techniques making the faculty members embrace new ideas based on tested techniques in teaching, which are also independent of the findings in the evaluation process. Lastly, participating in the evaluation process creates a sense of belonging to the committee and pride as the members feel they have accomplished their desires due to student satisfaction.


While students may experience some of the benefits faculty members attain in carrying out the evaluation process, one of the key benefits is that they are allowed to share their concerns (Malecka et al., 2020) This ensures that their educational needs are met in the programs through the evaluation process.


In summary, the curriculum evaluation process can be done at the beginning or end of a curriculum program. While there are models used in carrying out the evaluation, this paper emphasizes that faculty members and the students benefit from the process as student needs are met while faculty members get to achieve their career goals, hence an important process to ensure quality learning in the nursing faculty. Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper


Ali, L. (2018). The design of curriculum, assessment and evaluation in higher education with constructive alignment. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research5(1), 72-78. https://doi.org/10.20448/journal.509.2018.51.72.78

Iwasiw, L. C., Andrusyszyn, A. M., & Goldenberg, D. (2020). Curriculum development in nursing education (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.

Malecka, B., Boud, D., & Carless, D. (2020). Eliciting, processing and enacting feedback: Mechanisms for embedding student feedback literacy within the curriculum. Teaching in Higher Education27(7), 908-922. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2020.1754784


Methotrexate (MTC) is classified as an immunosuppressive besides the usage in chemotherapy (Lingg et Al., 2005). The drug treats information and slows down the growth of cancer cells. The drug interacts with 7-hydroxymethotrexate (7-OH-MTX) and eliminated through glomerular filtration and active tubular secretion. The interaction of the mentioned drugs was identified with the first identification of high dosage of 15mg of MTX when taken with PPI drugs. While other reports deny the interaction, there has been supported evidence of MTX and  7-OH-MTX interaction with no alterations in MTX concentration unlike the altered and increased half-life in 7-OH-MTX concentration with regards to its percentage (Bezabeh et ak., 20012)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper. In this case, ranitidine is administered instead of PPI.

A focus on the description the interaction between MTX and 7-OH-MTX shows that just like the MTX unaltered elimination from the renal, 7-OH-MTX is also eliminated through the liver with its unchanged properties. Anion transporters OAT and OATP help in enhancing MTX uptake. On the other hand, it’s elimination is through the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Hence, a competition between MTX and PPI for transport via BCRP, curbing the proper elimination of MTX thus it’s increased concentration and resulting somatic toxicity. The management of MTX toxicity in the body serum would therefore be to delay the administration of PPI or halting its intake before introducing a high dosage MTX therapy. In other instances, the use of receptor inhibitors like ranitidine and famotidine are used to counter the interactions(Schunack, 2007)Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper. Close monitoring must be administered to patients who have no tolerance for high dosage MTX to identify toxicity and administer the required help, enhancing their safety.



Bezabeh, S., Mackey, A. C., Kluetz, P., Jappar, D., & Korvick, J. (2012). Accumulating evidence for a drug–drug interaction between methotrexate and proton pump inhibitors. The Oncologist17(4), 550-554. https://doi.org/10.1634/theoncologist.2011-0431

Lingg, R. M., Hempel, G., Rots, M. G., Van Zantwijk, C. H., Boos, J., & Kaspers, G. J. (2005). Effects and interaction of 7-hydroxy methotrexate and methotrexate in leukaemic cells ex vivo measured by the thymidylate synthase inhibition assay. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology56(3), 322-327. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00280-005-1032-1

Schunack, W. (2007). What are the differences between the H2-receptor antagonists? Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics1, 493s-503s. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2036.1987.tb00658.x Evaluation Of Curriculum Research Assignment Paper