Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300

Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300

PNR 300       Rubric – Ethics Essay (4 to 5 pages: excluding cover page and reference page)

 Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide

Name: ____________________________________

Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide Introduction/thesis statement/ conclusion: (5)

Introduction “grabs” the reader and very effectively tells the reader where the paper is headed.

Thesis statement very clearly states argument and is easily identifiable. Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300

Conclusion correlates with introduction. Very effectively summarizes argument. Leaves reader with a memorable thought. Does not raise any new points. Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300


Writing:    (5)

Essay is very well-organized and flows well.

Topic sentences used very effectively.

Each paragraph addresses only one main idea.

Transitions used well between paragraphs.

Writing is not repetitive – wording is varied.

Minimal number of quotes used.

“You/your” avoided.

Almost no errors in grammar/sentence structure/punctuation/spelling.

Verb tenses match.

No academic honesty issues noted.

Ethical analysis: (15)

Argument is strongly supported through ethical reasoning.

Presents both sides but justifies why one side is more compelling than the other. Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300.

Ethical decision-making model, ethical theories, and ethical principles used very effectively.

Argument unfolds in an organized manner and makes sense.

References used very effectively to support argument.

APA format: (5)

Hardly any errors in title page, pg. numbering, spacing, font type and size,                                                   margins, citations, references, headings.

References: (5)

Minimum 2 peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 other academic sources used.

Other resources used are from credible/professional sources.                                                                    ___



□ Submitted on-time via SafeAssign.

□ Hard copy also submitted at beginning of class on due date.

□ Assignment requirements appear to be / not to be well-understood.

□ Well-written!

□ Writing does not meet academic requirements for a college program. Help from Learning Centre highly recommended. Ethics Assignment on Medically-Assisted Suicide – PNR 300.