Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper

Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper

Article Summary and Review Essay

In healthcare, nurses have crucial roles, mainly ensuring that patients and their families make informed decisions concerning complex situations. That is because nurses spend most of their time in healthcare settings caring for their patients, thus increasing their probability of encountering different clinical problems that need ethical judgment. These nurses need to engage expertise that ethically encourages care delivery. The paper will therefore review “Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice,” which was published by Park (2009) in answering the prompt essay. Therefore, the main evaluation will be on identifying the primary areas where oncology nurses encounter ethical and legal issues and the strategies essential in dealing with these ethical issues. Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper


Primary Areas for Ethical and Legal Issues for Oncology Nurses

Oncology nurses face ethical and legal issues when delivering daily patient care. As Park (2009, p.68) indicates, some common challenges that oncology nurses encounter include human rights, end-of-life, and patient issues. Such challenges make things complex for nurses, especially when formulating timely and evidence-based decisions during care delivery. Mainly, legal issues arise when sentinel events and medication errors occur. From such occurrences, the oncology nurses may face prosecution and, most of the time, are held responsible for such medical situations. That is because nurses may act against their views, thus compromising the nursing bioethics principles such as beneficence, which requires nurses to act to the benefit of patients, and nonmaleficence prompts nurses to ensure that no harm happens to the patient. Also, Park (2009, p.76) indicates that emerging technologies have also played a part in complicating care delivery since caregivers find it hard to balance cost and quality. Other factors include nurse-patient conflicts, incompetent colleagues, and patient confidentiality and privacy issues which may risk the patient’s overall well-being. Within the end-of-life category, the ethical dilemma that nurses face include prolonging the patient’s dying process inappropriately, patient neglects from their families, acting against the patient’s religious and personal views, and failing to respect patient autonomy. Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper

Strategies Essential in Dealing with these Ethical Issues

These legal and ethical issues must capture policymakers, theorists, and healthcare leaders’ attention. That is because theorists and policymakers can engage in evidence-based research that will provide the most effective ways to handle ethical issues. However, according to Park (2009, p.76), most nurses manage to overcome these ethical-related challenges through the involvement of their values. In other cases, the nurses are forced to seek help from ethics committees and peers to ensure that they make informed decisions. However, from the findings, Park (2009) identifies the gap that hinders nursing professionals from fully dealing with ethical challenges. As a result, there is a need for nursing practitioners to be engaged in nursing education that will improve their evidence-based strategies and skills that will help in future ethical issues mitigation. According to Park (2009, p.72), nursing education should entail patients’ rights, advocacy, ethical principles, professional responsibilities, decision-making, and end-of-life treatment or non-treatment. These factors are essential since oncology nurses encounter cancer patients at different stages, thus needing knowledge on how to handle the patients and their families ethically, thus preventing instances of legal implications.


Park (2009) provides great insight into the oncology nurses’ ethical issues. These challenges are associated with human rights, end-of-life, and patient issues. Hence, there is a need to ensure that nursing education is emphasized to equip these nurses with evidence-based strategies and skills to deal with patients and their families. Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper


Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law13(3), 68-77.


 Article Summary and Review Essay

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(the essay prompt below is the question that needs to be answer in the essay from the article)Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper

Essay Prompt: Identify primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses in this study (Park, 2009), and strategies they may have developed to work with those ethical issues.

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Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

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Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 13(3), 68-77. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.3.68 Ethical Issues In Nursing Practice Review Essay Paper