Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

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Nurses encounter various ethical dilemmas in the healthcare industry as they carry out their daily clinical practices. Therefore, it is always necessary for nurses to comprehend the main philosophical concepts that will help them make informed decisions. Currently, most healthcare systems have increased their attention towards ethics due to the development of different controversial issues, where most have been facilitated by technological advancement and a decrease in financial and health resources (Earp et al., 2021). Hence, nurses need to understand their role in ethical decision-making to make sure that they make the right decisions that will impact the patient, healthcare organizations, and other healthcare professionals positively. With that regard, the paper presents an application of the four topics methods that focuses on a challenging situation within the nursing practice that needs an appropriate ethical dimension. Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

The patient in our healthcare organization had advanced cancer, an irreversible terminal illness. From the patient’s point of view, he was afraid of death despite being in pain and thus requested the nurse to do anything possible to prevent his death. However, the patient family and physician decided not to disclose to the patient that he was at the end stage of life to avoid devastating him. Also, the family requested that the healthcare providers not resuscitate him once he stopped breathing. The situation presented an ethical conflict on the patient’s autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmaleficence. That is because the patient’s relative and the physician’s moral claims conflicted with the nurses’ acknowledgment of biomedical ethics in nursing practice. Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

When evaluating medication indications, the success probabilities of any intervention would be null and void since cancer had advanced to its final stage. According to Shea (2020), when administering care, nurses should always ensure that they uphold nonmaleficence and beneficence principles, where the patients should not be harmed while nurses should engage in activities that benefit the patients. Hence, the failure to let the patient know about his terminal illness was to protect the patient, which conflicted with the patient’s preferences, thus making the nonmaleficence and beneficence principles contradict the autonomy principle. Hence, it would be right for healthcare providers and families to reveal the truth to the patient. Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

With reflection on the quality of life, there were limited patient prospects of returning to his normal life. Consequently, no biases were presented that might have subjected the patient to the prejudice of his quality of life. Also, the physician and the relatives realized that he could spend his life in a coma once the patient was resuscitated. Consequently, treatment plans did not change as per the quality-of-life evaluation. Also, considering the contextual features, no business, interprofessional or professional interests may have led to conflicts of interest for the patient. That is because the decision made by the family members and the physicians were mainly triggered by the patient’s terminal and irreversible condition. Hence, the justice principle was at no point violated since, despite overlooking the patient’s preferences, the benefit of any intervention like resuscitation or further treatment since the condition was beyond public and scientific interest.

Nonetheless, various conflicts of interest might influence clinical decisions. The first factor to consider was that the patient’s state of mind put him in a position to make future actions and decisions. Therefore, after involving the ethical committee in unwrapping the puzzle surrounding the principle of autonomy, the team agreed on the need to inform the patient concerning his diagnosis, with the nurse trying to help the patient understand different terminologies for him to make proper decisions. In the decision-making process, the nurse’s role was advocating for that patient’s rights since nurses are always familiar with the dos and don’ts of resolving ethical issues. From the nurse’s intervention, the patient made the right and painful decision of not being resuscitated. Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper

Conclusively, the involvement of the Four Topics Method and the bioethics principles shaped the nurse’s decision, which made her not partner with the physician and family members in confiding the patient’s condition. That way, it was easier to reveal the information about the patient’s health to him, thus making him change his decisions thus avoiding the previous implication of the autonomous principle. The process is valid since it helped solve an ethical dilemma that helps solve both ethical and moral uncertainties, especially in situations that pose different difficulties in choosing between right and wrong. Hence, in the future, when faced with ethical dilemmas, the Four Topics Method will be viable regardless of the situation.



Earp, B. D., Lewis, J., Dranseika, V., & Hannikainen, I. R. (2021). Experimental philosophical bioethics and normative inference. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 42(3-4), 91–111.

Shea, M. (2020). Forty Years of the Four Principles: Enduring Themes from Beauchamp and Childress. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, 45(4-5), 387–395. Ethical Dilemmas In The Healthcare Essay Paper