ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options

ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options

Select and complete one of the following assignment options:

Option A

Imagine you are developing a training on diversity for your workplace. Your first task is to introduce yourself in terms of your own cultural diversity to demonstrate the variety and types of diversity present in our society. ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options

Write a 350- to 700-word blog post or essay describing yourself in terms of cultural diversity. To what ethnic, cultural, and other groups do you belong? Review the types of groups discussed in Ch.1 before beginning this assignment.

Include a description of your understanding of the following, based on textbook and course materials:

  • The distinction between racial and ethnic groups
  • The definition of prejudice and stereotypes
  • At least one example of your personal experience with stereotyping. Was it a positive or negative stereotype? Explain.

Format your essay or blog post according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. If you write a blog post, submit a link to your blog.

Cultural Diversity Assignment Options- Option B

Write a 350- to 700-word Cultural Diversity Assignment Options summary of cultural diversity that includes responses to the following questions:


  • What is cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions of diversity. Use academic sources in responding to this question.
  • Why is the study of cultural diversity important?
  • With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe the members of your cultural group.
  • What is the importance of diversity training?
  • What is your experience with diversity? Is your workplace diverse? Could there be, or could there have been, more inclusion?
  • What is the definition of stereotypes and prejudice? How are they related? ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options

Format your Cultural Diversity Assignment Options essay or blog post according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your Cultural Diversity Assignment Options assignment to the Assignment Files tab. If you write a blog post, submit a link to your blog. ETH 120: Cultural Diversity Assignment Options