Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
Provision of good healthcare services to the American citizens is the chief objective of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which further assigns the specific tasks to various regulatory bodies and accreditation agencies. The objective of having an accreditation agency in the healthcare industry is to ensure uniform quality standards, which enable proper coordination between the hospitals, physicians, healthcare professionals, government, patients, and other stakeholders (Lockwood, n.d.).
Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) has been functioning as a federal healthcare agency for setting uniform quality standards in maintaining health records of the patients while ensuring privacy, confidentiality, security, and interoperability of these records (George Mason University, n.d.). The health records include vital pieces of information, such as medical history, allergies to specific drugs, surgeries, etc., which facilitate effective communication and coordination between the healthcare service providers to deliver qualitative care. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
EHNAC has the responsibility to accredit healthcare organizations and processes for setting the standards for electronic healthcare records during transaction, data storage, and application in a healthcare organization. It is essential that the health records of the patients be saved in an electronic format that is accessible to healthcare professionals for referring to the previous diagnostic tests, eliminating the cost and time incurred during repetitive or redundant medical testing, facilitating electronic billing for payment by the insurance companies, and hassle-free healthcare service to the patients.
Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission is an independent accreditation agency that makes the documentation process much easier as the data is processed through special computer software, which maintains, monitors, and constantly improves the transaction standards due to the ease of availability of complete. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
health records of the patients (Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission, 2010). The universal health coverage shall provide free health insurance to the underprivileged Americans, and hence, the role of EHNAC becomes more challenging for meeting the diverse demands of various classes of patients having different annual income, ethnicities, employer assisted health insurance programs, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, etc.
If every hospital, nursing home, and clinic has its own standard, then it would be difficult for the stakeholders, including the patient, the hospital, and the insurance company to process the payment of the claim. However, if the healthcare organizations follow a system, which is accredited by EHNAC, seeking documentation to make uniform healthcare records, then there would be better filing of the available information and proper coordination between various departments of hospitals.
The EHNAC has assumed the leading role to manage the patients’ data electronically by setting uniform quality standards that guarantee privacy, security, and confidentiality of the patient’s information. It was reported that Spheris had taken the initiative to introduce a uniform clinical documentation procedure, namely, Clinical Documentation Architecture for Common Document Types, which would minimize the hassle, reduce the healthcare costs, improve communication between the healthcare professions, and deliver efficient services to the patients (DeMoss, 2010). Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
To allow adherence to uniform quality standards by all healthcare organizations, it is essential that the process should be certified by an accrediting agency, such as the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission. Through its expertise, the EHNAC provides interoperability and security to the entire documentation procedure of maintaining the electronic health records of the patients. Hence, Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission has been serving the role of an accreditation agency in the healthcare sector while ensuring uniform quality standards for electronic health records.
DeMoss, L. (2010). Setting the Standards: Spheris Joins CDA4CDT. Spheris. Retrieved May 29,
Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission. (2010). Retrieved May 29, 2010, Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
from http://www.ehnac.org/
George Mason University. (n.d.). Accreditation Agencies in United States. Retrieved May 29,
2010, http://gunston.gmu.edu/healthscience/547/MajorAccreditationAgencies.asp
Lockwood, W. (n.d.). What Are Health Care Regulatory Agencies? eHow. Retrieved May 29,
2010, from http://www.ehow.com/about_5187634_health-care-regulatory-agencies_.html
“Access to comprehensive, quality health care services is important for the achievement of health equity and for increasing the quality of a healthy life for everyone” (Access to Health Services).
Equity of healthcare access is in the eye of the beholder to me means that if you want access to healthcare then you have to make it possible to have insurance or enough money to pay for quality health care. Healthcare is only affordable if insured or ability to pay but children and elderly individuals may be eligible for Medicaid but what about everyone else who doesn’t meet the criteria to receive free health care? Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
“In the United States Medicaid is a government sponsored program to help poor people pay for healthcare but Medicaid is poorly funded and not all healthcare providers are willing to accept its low rate of reimbursement for services” (Healthcare Access, 2011).
In most cases healthcare is not offered free so you have to work at a company that offers an insurance plan or have access to plenty of money to afford to get the appropriate care. Everyone has a different mindset so if you want quality healthcare then you will do whatever is necessary to try and make that possible but if it isn’t a concern then access to healthcare isn’t very important. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
If you come from a low income household or don’t have insurance then healthcare will probably be the last on the list of priorities. In my opinion the U.S. Healthcare system isn’t that equitable because healthcare should be afforded to everyone or affordable for everyone to have access to it. Although access to healthcare is available, the cost is usually the reason most people neglect their health.
I think if more people had access to affordable healthcare then they would take advantage of it and seek the appropriate medical attention when necessary in order to live a long, healthy life.
Access to Health Services-Healthy People. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2012 from
www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx… Healthcare Access- The Center for Health Ethics University of Missouri (2011, June 8).
Retrieved May 2, 2012 from http://www.ethics.missouri.edu/Healthcare-Access.aspx
Effective September 23, 2010 health reforms under the Affordable Care Act in the United States will provide Americans with greater rights and benefits in healthcare coverage. Many new laws are being set to control the ongoing battle of insurance fraud. More children will have health coverage, preventative services will now be covered, and many limitations will be eliminated. The reform will be a gradual process over the next few years that will continue to grow and add additional health benefits. The question remains will this $940 billion reform benefit the majority of Americans? Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
There are many advantages to the Affordable Care Act. The health reform will use $350 million over the ten year plan to prevent, detect, and fight insurance fraud in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s’ Health Insurance program to convict abusers and help those that actually need the assistance. Prior to the healthcare reform, Medicare patients experience a coverage gap known as the “donut hole,” upon which they experience a coverage gap after they have reached a max where they must afford the full cost of medications.
With the modifications of the reform in 2011, these patients will receive a 50% discount on covered brand-name prescription medications once in the donut hole until an out-of-pocket max is reached; thereafter Medicare would fund most of the cost for the medications (Healthcare). There are also expansions for Medicaid coverage to include 133 percent of federal poverty level, currently defined as income of $29,327 for a family of four. Other requirements state Medicaid must cover childless adults in effect 2014. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
Also, Federal Government will pay 100% for eligible individuals through 2016. Additional assistance provided by the health reform helps children in need. Six months after the bill is passed insurance companies must provide coverage to children with a preexisting condition. This helps the family of a child with a heart problem, for example, that must have several surgeries a year not previously covered due to insurance labeling “pre-existing. ” In 2014, insurance providers cannot deny coverage to not only children but anyone with a preexisting condition.
Thousands of adults have been denied coverage as well due to conditions they have no control over resulting in denial of surgeries/procedures they desperately need. Further benefits to children are the extension of coverage on their parent’s policy until age 26. This greatly benefits many families that have children in college that were too old to be previously covered, or that lives at home and do not attend school but still need medical coverage. Also, some young adults starting entry-level jobs may not be offered medical benefits right away, thus this will allow the parent to help them with coverage until they can get their own policy.
The Affordable Care Act will push for more affordable coverage, preventative service coverage, and less discrimination. More individuals will be offered insurance through their employer due to new requirements. Employers with more than 50 employees must provide health coverage to their workers or pay a fine of $2000 per worker annually. The uninsured/ self-employed Americans falling between the 133-400% poverty level will be allowed to purchase health plans through the state and given certain subsidies to help pay for the policy (Jackson). Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
Smaller businesses with fewer than 50 employees, as well as individuals 100-400% poverty level that do not qualify for other federal assistance can be eligible for subsidies to purchase individual health plans. Moreover, the health reform will cover physician recommended preventative services. Examples include; regular check-ups, cancer screenings, and immunizations at no additional cost (Healthcare). Many people avoid going to the doctor for years because they cannot afford to go. These individuals miss important yearly physical exams that keep our bodies healthy.
Early detection is key, whether it is breast cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. we have to be aware of the illness to cure it. The only way to stay on top of our health is to receive routine maintenance through preventative care just like we show maintenance to our vehicles. The new health laws also call for coordinated care that will invest in community health teams to manage chronic disease in areas of high minority/ lower income groups. Funding for community health centers will be increased for facilities to be able to double the patient capacity and people will not be turned away based on ability to pay (Healthcare). Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
The 32 million Americans that are currently uninsured will have expanded coverage with the Affordable Care Act (Jackson). However, despite this benefit there are costs involved that must be weighed with every plan. For those individuals who are young and make healthy choices, will now have to pay for other people that are unhealthy due to bad habits such as smoking or excessive drinking. This effect is due to the fact that health insurance companies will no longer be able to base coverage on a person’s health status. If people decide to opt out of health insurance they must pay $750 annually.
Many healthy people that do not go to the doctor often may not spend that much even paying out of pocket self -pay prices (New Health). Also, Individuals that wish to receive cosmetic surgery will now have to pay an additional 5% tax on the total cost. Additionally, as the Health Care reform bill will benefit millions of poor Americans, the wealthy will be affected by a 0. 9% increase in Medicare payroll taxes for individuals making $200,000 annually, or $250,000 for couples. Many lower class individuals may feel that the rich deserve to share the wealth, as the rich always seem to get richer while the poor get poorer. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay
However, consider the doctor that went to school for eight+ years to achieve his salary, now has to provide services for more people, thus doubling the workload, for less money, and pay more taxes to pay for the services he is providing to his patients. We have to consider is that fair? Moreover, the new reform forces Americans to buy a policy that covers “ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services,” among other requirements.
If an individual is single without children, they must still pay for pediatric coverage, or if a woman cannot conceive a child she must still have maternity services (New Health). Americans will no longer have the privilege of choosing a health policy for a particular type of coverage for a cheaper premium. There are both pros and cons to the new health care reform. Personally, as an employee of CaroMont Health, I feel the healthcare system may become “watered” down. For example, if a restaurant put a sign out front that said free food, service would decrease.
I do feel that it will provide people of my profession with greater job security, and for that I am thankful. I will be glad to know more people will be convicted of insurance fraud and allow for those who really need the assistance to benefit. Many Americans will get the health attention they need, such as my grandparents, or my father who had a “pre-existing” back condition. Personally, I have good insurance working in a healthcare facility, and do not feel affected by this reform, except for possible tax increases. Will the good outweigh the bad for the new health care reforms? Only time will tell. Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Essay