Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper

Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper.

Lab Report 2 Instructions

Due date: Thursday, Mar 29th

In this lab experiment, one of your group member was a subject of the experiment. His or her brain

waves were recorded and analyzed while performing various tasks. All the group members will write

their lab report individually and keep the identity of the subject anonymous.

Lab report will have all the components of a scientific report – cover page, introduction, method, results,

discussion, conclusion and references. Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper.

Cover page: It should include the title, your name, group member’s name, class and section, instructor’s

name, and date.



a. Provide a background on EEG. (How it came into being?)

b. Describe the principle on how EEG works. (How does it work?)

c. Brief discussion of other non-invasive technologies, or progress in EEG development over years.

(Is there any better alternative to it? What does it specialize in measuring compared to


d. Characterization of Brain waves (i.e. Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta.) Also, their general

association with various activities. Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper.

e. A Hypothesis – a core question/premise pertaining to all the parts of the lab experiment, which

is validated or rejected at the end.


a. Brief description of ADI Instrument and the transducer (probe).

b. Describe the activities – resting state, eye blinking, listening to music (which you did not

perform), and calculating sum or solving problems in head. Also, what do aim to observe

while performing these activities.

Results for Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment paper:

a. You do not need to include the raw data in this section. Only, the data that you are using for

your analysis would suffice. (Raw data may be appended at the end of the lab report.)

b. Include plots and table in this section. Make sure your plots and tables are well labeled (title,

axis, columns, etc.) You may include captions to elaborate or to clarify.

Discussion on Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment paper:

This section is reserved for interpretation and analysis of data. Make sure what you write here is

your analysis and your interpretation, and NOT your group members’ or lab mates’


a. Divide this section into the number of activities. Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper.

b. Explain the results. Did you observe what you set out to measure?

c. Where there any anomalies in the data? Give plausible reason why these anomalies arose. For

example, you may not have notice beta waves during calculation exercise. One of the plausible

reason could be that probe was not attached correctly.


Conclusion: Summary of results in a paragraph, and whether you were able to validate or reject your

hypothesis or not. Also, what you learned about brain’s anatomy and physiology from this experiment.

References: You should at least three references (including your lab manual). Do your best to have

references in APA 6th Ed. Writing center is a good resource to help you with it. If not, references in MLA

format would be acceptable. Electroencephalography (EEG) assignment Paper.

Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines Assignment Papers.