Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Effects of Substance Use Paper


Drug addiction can cause many long-term negative consequences, including physical health problems like liver damage and heart disease as well as mental illnesses like depression and anxiety disorders. Drug abuse also causes long-term changes to the brain that make quitting so difficult and that take years to change back to normal. Indirect long-term effects of drug addiction include broken relationships, legal problems, financial problems, injuries, and poor overall health.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper




  1. Choose one of the following substances
  2. Alcohol
  3. Benzodiazepines
  4. Central Nervous System Stimulants
  5. Cocaine
  6. Marijuana
  7. Opioids Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Write a 500- to 750-word summary describing the following:

  • 1- How the substance is consumed
  • 2- The pharmacology of the substance
  • 3- The physiological effects of the substance on the human body Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

This Effects of Substance Use Paper assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this Effects of Substance Use Paper assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Drugs are chemicals that affect the body and brain. Different drugs can have different effects. Some effects of drugs include health consequences that are long-lasting and permanent. They can even continue after a person has stopped taking the substance.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

There are a few ways a person can take drugs, including injection, inhalation and ingestion. The effects of the drug on the body can depend on how the drug is delivered. For example, the injection of drugs directly into the bloodstream has an immediate impact, while ingestion has a delayed effect. But all misused drugs affect the brain. They cause large amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our emotions, motivation and feelings of pleasure, to flood the brain and produce a “high.” Eventually, drugs can change how the brain works and interfere with a person’s ability to make choices, leading to intense cravings and compulsive drug use. Over time, this behavior can turn into a substance dependency, or drug addiction.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Today, more than 7 million people suffer from an illicit drug disorder, and one in four deaths results from illicit drug use. In fact, more deaths, illnesses and disabilities are associated with drug abuse than any other preventable health condition. People suffering from drug and alcohol addiction also have a higher risk of unintentional injuries, accidents and domestic violence incidents.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

The good news is: Substance use disorders are treatable.


PCN 501 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1

Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Explain the importance of a substance use disorders counselor having an understanding of tolerance and withdrawal.

PCN 501 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2

Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

In many states marijuana is now legal for certain medical purposes. Identify some clinical issues that may now present themselves as a result of this. What if you have a client who is addicted to alcohol and narcotics, who is also using marijuana to help with chronic pain? How might you address this situation?Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

PCN 501 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment

Relapse Prevention Plan




Develop a relapse prevention plan based upon the “Jed Assessment Case Study” provided. The plan should be in a format that might be given to the client to use as a guide. The plan must address the following:Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

  • 1- Client name and age
  • 2- Client’s family situation
  • 3- What is the client’s agreement to stop using drugs/alcohol? Be specific. For example: Does the client commit to attending AA meetings? If so, how many?
  • 4- If the client relapses, what is the client’s plan to get help?
  • 5- What high-risk situations could trigger a relapse for the client?Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper
  • 6- What high-risk behaviors or irrational thoughts could lead to relapse?
  • 7- What coping skills may help the client remain sober?
  • 8- What new activities could the client participate in to help replace old behaviors such as going out with his friends, for a drink, etc. after work? How many? How often?Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper
  • 9- How would Jed’s family be involved in his relapse prevention plan?
  • 10- How would Jed’s family and ethnic culture impact his relapse prevention plan?
  • 11- What resources are available in the community to help Jed prevent relapse? (use resources that are available in your community/area)Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper
  • 12- Develop a sobriety card that contains telephone numbers of people the client (Jed) could call if he felt he was were at risk to relapse. (You can add information that is not included in the case study)

Include a minimum of three scholarly references to support the information provided in the prevention plan.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed Assessment Case Study


Jed is a 38-year-old welder who came into the treatment center after being arrested for drinking and driving (DUI/DWI). His attorney has suggested that he quit drinking and enter treatment, at least until his trial,which is scheduled to occur in two months. Jed does not anticipate serving jail  Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper.homeworkminutes.com/question/view/149390/Grand-canyon-PCN501-Week-8-Relapse-Prevention-Plan-Latest-2015-Dec#”>time, but he believes that treatment could strengthen his legal case. After his first arrest for DUI two years ago, he simply paid a fine and attended a special driver’s education program for six weeks. Jed found the program to be a “waste of time”.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed has been married for eight years and has two daughters, aged 8and 6. He has had numerous arguments with his wife, Emily, concerning his drinking. He gets very angry and defensive when she confronts him about his heavy drinking and he asserts that he is not an alcoholic. He knows this is true because his father was an alcoholic and Jed says that he is not like his father. His father died as the result of a fight that occurred in traffic when he was drunk. Jed says that his father used to “beat the tar” out of him and his brother when he was drunk and that his father always belittled, taunted, and threatened their mother, whether he was drunk or sober. Jed references that his family is Irish and that it was cultural normal to drink and enjoy alcohol and that all of his family and relatives drink in excess.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed’s work history is very good; he misses less than one day per year. He works the day shift on weekdays, putting in time-and-a-half on most Saturdays. He is well regarded by his supervisors and peers at work. He is fearful that his employer will find out about his treatment (it is being covered by his HMO), and that people at work will learn about the second DUI arrest.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed drinks with his buddies from the plant, and does not think that his drinking is any more than what they do. He was just “unlucky” and got caught doing what everyone else seems to get away with. Jed’s drinking is very predictable: he drinks 8-9 beers on a weeknight. Several of these are consumed at the bar with friends, the remainder Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper.homeworkminutes.com/question/view/149390/Grand-canyon-PCN501-Week-8-Relapse-Prevention-Plan-Latest-2015-Dec#”>at home over the course of the evening. He usually falls asleep in front of the television. On weekends, he often drinks several12-packs between Friday and Sunday. A typical Saturday involves getting up at 10:00 a.m., playing soccer with friends, and going to the bar for the rest of the day and night. This pattern leads to arguments with Emily, who calls him a “lousy father”. At times, Jed has had unsettling episodes of being unable to recall what happened while drinking. He has commented to friends that “maybe I overdo it a bit”. Several times, he has attempted to cut down on his drinking, especially after the last DUI. He once attended a few AA meetings, but did not feel that AA was helpful: “It was listening to a lot of guys whining…” and he especially did not care for the prayers.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Despite these attempts, Jed has experienced increased consumption levels over the past two years. He admits that, as a result of the drinking, he has become increasingly estranged from his wife and daughters. Jed feels that his marriage has been basically good, but that he would not blame Emily for leaving him, the way things have been going lately. She will no longer sleep with him while he is intoxicated, which occurs regularly. She complains that the house is falling apart because Jed does not keep up with his chores. He believes that his marriage would become solid again, if he stopped over doing the drinking, but he complains about her hassling him about the alcohol.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed is not close to his remaining family members. His mother is very religious and wishes Jed would see religion as a way out of his problems. His siblings live in other communities and they rarely get together. His wife and daughters regularly attend his mother’s church, but Jed only attends on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper



Jed is distraught about having to remain abstinent in preparation for the trial. He has trouble getting to sleep without alcohol. He also “gets jumpy” when he tries to stay away from drinking, feeling “closed in or like he is suffocating”. Jed reports that he is not used to socializing without alcohol and alcohol helps him relax and be more social with people.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Jed is willing to go to AA meetings only because he knows they may be court ordered and it may be better for his legal case. He does struggle with the philosophy of AA. He does not like the spirituality part of the program and does not like when people talk about God.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

He does believe that he can go to the bars with his friends and not drink. He does think that he can increase his sports activities to help him not drink although many of his friends who play also drink.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.(n.d.). Case examples. Retrieved March 28, 2010, from.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/Social/Teaching%20Case%20Examples/Case%20Examples.html”>http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/Social/Teaching%20Case%20Examples/Case%20Examples.html Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

In the United States, an estimated 67% of people aged 12 and older consumed alcohol in 2014, while about 6.4% of people met the criteria for alcoholism.1 Additionally, more than 10% of people aged 12 and older reported past-month use of illegal drugs in 2014.1 Of those approximately 27 million illicit drug users, 7.1 million people met the criteria for addiction.1 Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

Though the short- and long-term effects of drug and alcohol abuse may vary from person to person, clearly many people currently suffer from the effects of abusing drugs and alcohol every day. Factors affecting the exact symptoms that are experienced may depend on a person’s age, gender, individual physiology, genetic make-up, and mental health condition.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper

And while some side effects are relatively mild, many abused substances lend themselves to severe and life-threatening outcomes, particularly as a person’s pattern of use progresses. Addiction is a particularly debilitating result of drug or alcohol abuse that can lead to significant impairment in many areas of a person’s life—from work to school and interpersonal functioning.Effects of Substance Use Essay Paper