DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study
DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study
Diagnosing Clinical Significance:The DSM-5 (2013) explains that for a person to be diagnosed with a mental illness, there has to be clinical significance that is evident in a disturbance in the individual’s cognitive, emotion regulation, or behavior. For this Assignment, you will be discussing elements of the diagnosing process. DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study.
To prepare for this week’s Discussion, review the following videos in addition to this week’s assigned Reading.
Duran, M. V. (2013). Mental status exam. Retrieved from .cengage.com/custom/ems/psych/shared/video/player.html?video=mntal_status_exam_16392″>http://www.cengage.com/custom/ems/psych/shared/video/player.html?video=mntal_status_exam_16392. DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study.
Duran, M. V. (2013). Clinical assessment. Retrieved from .cengage.com/custom/ems/psych/shared/video/player.html?video=clncal_assessmnt_16379″>http://www.cengage.com/custom/ems/psych/shared/video/player.html?video=clncal_assessmnt_16379
Diagnosing Clinical Significance
Proceed with this week’s Discussion by answering the following in 400-450 words by searching the Library or the internet for a screening instrument used in assessing mental health disorders. Select one of the case studies (accessible from the Course Resources page) and address the following questions and issues about diagnosing mental illness:
- Explain what the purpose of a clinical assessment is.
- Identify a commonly used instrument clinicians or psychologists use to screen for a particular disorder and why it would be used. Note, the DSM-5 is not a screening instrument. An instrument helps to identify if a patient is experiencing the symptoms listed in the DSM-5. An example of an instrument is the Beck Depression Inventory that screens for symptoms of major depressive disorder, or the PC-PTSD that is designed to screen for post-traumatic stress disorder. DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study.
- During a clinical assessment, why would a clinician consider the level of severity of a patient’s symptoms?
The strongest answer will refer to the textbook and concepts from the Reading material. DSM-5 Diagnosing Clinical Significance Case Study.