Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study

Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study

Revisit Miriam, the graduate nurse whose specialty area is critical care. As Miriam’s practicum experience proceeds, she is increasingly interested in new technology and best practices in the care of acutely ill patients. Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study Looking ahead to her work as a nurse educator, Miriam has begun researching scholarly articles on new developments in critical care. Her purpose is to both expand her own knowledge and create an annotated bibliography that she can share with her students.


In this Assignment, you gather information on advancements in your practicum specialty. Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study

To Prepare

  • Reflect on your specialty of interest and your practicum experience. What key topics, processes, best practices, advancements, and technologies have you seen or heard about?
  • Search the Walden Library for articles on any or all of these dimensions. Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study Keep in mind that your focus is on current developments and that articles you select should have been published within the last three years.

To Complete

  • Create an annotated bibliography that consists of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study
  • For each article:
    • Provide a brief summary (4–5 sentences).
    • Explain why this article is relevant (1–2 sentences).
    • Explain the application of the findings of the article to practice (1–2 sentences).Drug Contracts Assignment Case Study