Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper

Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper

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The last step in a research study is disseminating the results so others can learn from them. Health related topics are the most commonly disseminated research topics (Ashcraft et al., 2020). Oral presentations can occur while the study is taking place which allows the audience to ask questions and allows interaction with individuals who are interested in the topic. Written reports can be published in journals or dissertations which allows a world-wide audience to have access to the results. The researchers must take into account who the audience will be. Will it be healthcare providers or the layperson? The target audience helps determine how the information is presented (Polit et al., 2021)Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper.


In my particular research study, my target audience would be emergency care physicians and nurses, hospital administrators, hospital management and the psychiatrists working in the area or within the health network. In order to implement psychiatric telemedicine consults in the emergency department all these groups of individuals would have to be on board. Presenting them with clear concise research and statistical analyses would be the most effective way to show this method would be an asset to providing the best patient care. Written information would be sent to all the stakeholders involved but I would preferably like to have a presentation for all the medical providers to participate in so there could be an interactive discussion. It does not matter how convincing the research data is – if this information is not in the hands of the people who can implement change then the data means nothing. California and Massachusetts have both implemented state-wide tobacco cessation programs that have been shown to be very effective by using multiple methods of information dissemination. While the data they found during research studies, the methods in which they educated the stakeholders is what made their information most useful (Brownson et al., 2018)Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper.

I can honestly say I never thought much about how research would impact me as a nurse practitioner in the future, but after taking this course I realize it is a fundamental building block on implementing the most effective methods of patient care. I would find it very interesting and a great learning opportunity to participate in a research study later on in my career. Throughout this course I have found myself looking up research articles about topics I have come across during my work hours in the ER which has improved my thought process in the way I think about certain illnesses or problems encountered.

References: Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper

Ashcraft, L. E., Quinn, D. A., & Brownson, R. C. (2020). Strategies for effective dissemination of research to United States Policymakers: A systematic review. Implementation Science, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-020-01046-3

Brownson, R. C., Eyler, A. A., Harris, J. K., Moore, J. B., & Tabak, R. G. (2018). Getting the word out: New approaches for disseminating public health science. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 24(2), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.1097/phh.0000000000000673

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2021). Chapter 32. In Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. essay, Wolters Kluwer. Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper

 Discussion Response

Thank you for sharing such an informative post. I agree with you that it is important to disseminate results so others can utilize them and maximize the benefit of research promptly. When disseminating research findings, one should consider the target audience, dissemination timelines, resources available, and dissemination strategy. As you have noted, the audience targeted determines the method used to disseminate information. Audiences for a health research study include hospital administration, public health associations, caregiver groups, community groups, healthcare providers, and local government. These different audiences require different dissemination channels. The language used and type of information to be disseminated also come into play. For healthcare professionals, publishing programs, policy briefs, podium presentations in professional associations, and publication in national journals are some of the methods that can be used to disseminate (Todd, 2022)Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper. Flyers, pamphlets, and posters can be used to disseminate findings to local stakeholders and community groups. Tool kits can be used to share results with educational communities, while a summary of findings in progress reports is shared with funders.

I agree that using multiple methods of dissemination is more effective than a single approach. Having a dissemination plan can help a researcher translate research findings into practice. I have learned that research projects make valuable contributions to the knowledge base of a particular discipline. A researcher bears the responsibility of ensuring that the outcomes of a study are communicated effectively to have a positive impact (Budden & Michener, 2018)Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper. A researcher should be cognizant of the fact that dissemination of research findings can face barriers such as high costs, competing sources of influence, strict research timelines, and information overload. Proper planning and having a mitigation plan for the barriers will help a researcher disseminate research outcomes effectively.



Budden, A. E., & Michener, W. K. (2018). Communicating and disseminating research findings. In Ecological Informatics (pp. 289-317). Springer, Cham.

Todd, M. (2022). Joining the Conversation: Disseminating Research Results. In Undergraduate Research in History (pp. 61-70). Routledge. Disseminating Research Findings Discussion Paper