Discuss the Social Work and Social Change Essay.

Discuss the Social Work and Social Change Essay.


Assignment: Social Work and Social Change

As you begin to find your place in the social work profession, it is important to know and appreciate its history. In order to gain some context, you can study individuals who influenced the development of the field, and you can also acquire historical information about how societies have responded to those in need.Discuss the Social Work and Social Change Essay.


For this Assignment, select one individual from the following list of important historical figures in social work.

Jane Addams Florence Kelley Ida M. Cannon
Grace Abbott Janie Porter Barrett Ellen Gates Starr
Frances Perkins Mary Richmond Richard Cabot
Josephine Shaw Lowell George Edmund Haynes Lugenia Burns Hope
Sophonisba Breckinridge Lillian Wald Harry Hopkins
Birdye Henrietta Haynes 

Submit a 2-page document in which you highlight the important contributions of the individual you selected. Your document should

  • Outline the individual’s path to working in the social work field.
  • Describe the most important contribution(s) of the individual to the field.
  • Explain how the study of this individual would inform your practice as a social worker.
  • Adhere to APA conventions.


INSTRUCTIONS: Please choose one of the following questions and post an answer/response by Thursday 11:59pm ET. Also please make sure to respond to at least two posts of your classmates and/or the instructor by Sunday 11:59pm ET. To earn full credit for this discussion assignment you need to make three substantive posts (see Discussion Guidelines under Course Home). Make sure to include references to the course materials in your responses.Discuss the Social Work and Social Change Essay.

(1) Consider an argument that you recently had with a friend, co-worker, supervisor, family member or someone else. Identify the fundamental issue of the argument and then present the argument in the form of deductive logical argument, making sure to clearly identify the premises and conclusion. Is this argument a valid argument? Is the argument sound? Why or why not?

(2) Many people have strong opinions about ideas that they believe to be true. It certainly is important to stand up for true beliefs; however, it also can be helpful for critical thinkers to consider perspectives that are different from their own beliefs. What are some of the advantages of taking into consideration an opposing viewpoint? Why is it important for critical thinkers to take time to understand opposing perspectives?

(3) Many people spend a lot of time thinking about various issues throughout the day. What is the difference between critical thinking and other types of thinking? Provide an example of situation where you demonstrated good critical thinking in your own life. How does the study of critical thinking help us improve our analytical reasoning abilities and decision-making skills?Discuss the Social Work and Social Change Essay.