Discuss How They Specifically Would Work Together as a Team Essay Paper

Discuss How They Specifically Would Work Together as a Team Essay Paper

Assignment: Discuss how they specifically would work together as a team.

B. Your writing, use of citations, ability to form a logical argument, and proper APA Style, including the use of paraphrasing, will be evaluated as a measure of your interpersonal effectiveness. No response is required for “B”.Discuss How They Specifically Would Work Together as a Team Essay Paper



• Be sure to use APA format for your exam. All sources should be properly cited.

• You are strongly encouraged to use APA format for headings and subheadings.

• Your headings and subheadings should correspond to each of the exam questions. This helps the scorers to easily find each of your answers.

Leadership, Consultation, and Ethics

The next question addresses professional roles.

A. Describe how you would work within a professional treatment team to consult, triage, and treat this case. Include a description of the various members of the professional team with whom you would be likely to interact. Additionally, explain the roles and responsibilities of each member of the treatment team.

You can start on this answer already. Consider what professionals work together as part of a treatment team. You could identify and define the different health care professionals as well as how they will interact.

• In other words, what roles would individual team members assume, and how would they interact?Discuss How They Specifically Would Work Together as a Team Essay Paper

• Discuss how they specifically would work together as a team. For instance, they might have weekly meetings, phone conferences, or some combination. Discuss How They Specifically Would Work Together as a Team Essay Paper