Discuss Exploratory Research Paper.

Discuss Exploratory Research Paper.


Assignment: Discuss exploratory research


Which of the following is the best example of a construct?
a. depression
b. number of siblings
c. height
d. annual income
25. What is it called when a researcher measures the same construct in different ways?
a. multiple measurement
b. exploratory research
c. inconsistent assessment
d. converging operations
26. There is a single best conceptual definition of every psychological construct.Discuss Exploratory Research Paper.
a. True
b. False
27. There is a single best way to measure every psychological construct.
a. True
b. False
28. Face validity is the extent to which a psychological measure appears to measure the construct of interest.
a. True
b. False
29. A Cronbach’s alpha of .90 would indicate good internal consistency.
a. True
b. False
30. A psychological measure is valid to the extent that the scores it produces are consistent over time.
a. True
b. False
31. Psychological constructs can be observed directly by looking or listening.
a. True
b. False
32. What are the two defining features of an experiment?
a. control of extraneous variables; statistical analysis of the results
b. statistical analysis of the results; a comparison of two groups
c. a comparison of two groups; manipulation of an independent variable
d. manipulation of an independent variable; control of extraneous variables
33. Why are confounding variables bad?
a. They provide an alternative explanation for any observed difference between conditions.
b. They reduce internal validity.
c. They make it difficult to tell if the independent variable was responsible for the effect on the dependent variable.
d. all of the above
34. Why do researchers randomly assign participants to conditions?
a. to control extraneous variables
b. to ensure that they find a strong statistical relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable
c. to discover whether there is a placebo effect
d. to avoid fatigue effects
35. Imagine that you are a participant in an experiment on the effects of morning exercise on mathematics performance. If this study uses a within-subjects design, which of the following would you do?
a. One day you take a math test after having exercised in the morning; another day you take a math test after not having exercised in the morning.
b. Either you exercise in the morning and then take a math test or you do not exercise in the morning and then take a math test.
c. You eat a healthy breakfast consisting of milk, juice, toast, and eggs.Discuss Exploratory Research Paper.
d. You take a math test and then tell the researcher whether or not you exercised that morning.Discuss Exploratory Research Paper.