Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment Discussion

Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment Discussion

You are a nurse on the mother-baby unit. You have been assigned Anna and her twin boys born at 37 weeks. Anna is a 21-year-old first-time mother who delivered yesterday by cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Because Anna has a history of asthma and pneumonia as well as being a half-pack-per-day smoker, she needs to start using an incentive spirometer every two hours while awake.

You are responsible for doing the teaching with Anna on the incentive spirometer

Part 1: Answer the following questions.

  1. List the goal and purpose for learning in Anna’s teaching plan.
  2. List one cognitive, one affective, and one psychomotor objective to achieve the goal for learning.
  3. List the teaching methods and instructional materials you will use to teach Anna, including the reasons they were selected.
  4. What evaluation methods will you use to identify that Anna has met the goal?Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment Discussion


Part 2: Teaching plan

Using the template on page 445 (Bastable 5th ed.) create a teaching plan. This format is highly recommended because the columns allow the educator as well as anyone else who is using it, to see all parts of the teaching plan at one time.

Part 3: References. Support assignment with 2 or more references, one of which can be a textbook. Reference page is to be formatted in APA 7th ed. Style.

Submit as one document to the assignment drop box. Due date is Sunday, February 27, 2022.

Part 1: Answer the following questions.

  1. List the goal and purpose for learning in Anna’s teaching plan.

The purpose of the session is assisting and guiding Anna to gain thee skills and knowledge required to finish the medication and ensure Anna’s lungs recover to breathe fully and deeply (Kotta & Ali, 2021)Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment Discussion. The goal at the end of the teaching session s ensuring that Anna demonstrates how she can sue the incentive spirometer after every 2 hours while she wakes up.

  1. List one cognitive, one affective, and one psychomotor objective to achieve the goal for learning.

The cognitive objective in achieving the goal is ensuring that after the teaching session, Anna implements the method of using the incentive spirometer well.

The affective objective is making sure that Anna is able to recall the focus on how to use the incentive spirometer and why she has to use it.

The psychomotor objective is after 30 minutes of the teaching session, Anna is able to reach the tight skill in using the incentive spirometer until she is discharged.

  1. List the teaching methods and instructional materials you will use to teach Anna, including the reasons they were selected.

The instructional methods include demonstration and lecture. lecture will help in discussing how an incentive spirometer can be used, and its purpose. Brochures can be used to include the data that is clear for Anna to make her grasp it better (Franklin & Anjum, 2022)Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment Discussion. Demonstration would also be a good method since the healthcare provider can show Anna how to use the incentive spirometer practically.

  1. What evaluation methods will you use to identify that Anna has met the goal?

The evaluation method to be used is return demonstration. The method is vital in assessing   the level of understanding and competency of Anna. It would also assist in checking if the learner has met the purposes and goals of each teaching session.

Part 2: Teaching plan




Objectives and sub objectives



Content Outline


Method of instruction


Time Allotted

(in min)




Method of evaluation




Cognitive Objective






It will help Anna to know how to use the incentive spirometer.


Lecture 20 minutes Nursing knowledge Return demonstration

Affective Objective






To help her recall how to use an incentive spirometer.



Lecture 20 minutes Nursing knowledge


Return demonstration
Psychomotor Objective







For Anna to be able to have the necessary skill in using the incentive spirometer until she becomes discharged. Demonstration 30 minutes Research and nursing skills. Return demonstration


Franklin, E., & Anjum, F. (2022). Incentive spirometer and inspiratory muscle training. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Kotta, P. A., & Ali, J. M. (2021). Incentive spirometry for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications after thoracic surgery. Respiratory Care, 66(2), 327-333 Development Of A Teaching Plan Assignment DiscussionYou are responsible for doing the teaching with Anna on the incentive spirometer
Part 1: Answer the following questions.
1. List the goal and purpose for learning in Anna’s teaching plan.
2. List one cognitive, one affective, and one psychomotor objective to achieve the goal for
3. List the teaching methods and instructional materials you will use to teach Anna,
including the reasons they were selected.
4. What evaluation methods will you use to identify that Anna has met the goal?
Part 2: Teaching plan
Using the template on page 445 (Bastable 5th ed.) create a teaching plan. This format is highly
recommended because the columns allow the educator as well as anyone else who is using it, to
see all parts of the teaching plan at one time.
Part 3: References. Support assignment with 2 or more references, one of which can be a