Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.
Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.
Assignment: Describe the target behavior in this case study.
Based on the approved topics you submitted to your instructor in Week 3, track baseline data over a 3-day period, using the Baseline Data Worksheet. Target a specific behavior that you would like to change and outline an intervention plan for changing that behavior. Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.
Approved Topic: Poor Time Management ****Description Information is Attached ****
Complete: Baseline Data Worksheet **** Baseline Data Worksheet Attached*****
Write a 1,400- to 1,500-word paper discussing the following topics:
- Describe the target behavior.
- Outline the dimensions of measurement/baseline measurement.
- Describe the function of the baseline behavior.
- Outline the goals of the behavioral change.
- Propose a Behavior Intervention Plan based on goals.
- 2 antecedent changes (minimum).
- 4 consequence modifications (1 of each type).
- Describe any potential barriers to treatment, and how you would overcome these barriers.
- Describe the expected outcome if the behavior intervention plan was implemented and followed.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.
Submit your Baseline Data Worksheet along with your paper.
Running head: SELF-MANAGEMENT 1
Delarosa Reyes
March 14, 2016
Miranda Jennings
Self-management is the activity through which people incorporate programs in their lives that enable them to positively improve their behaviors. People who can use self-management to improve their behaviors manage to acquire more control and require less support from others. An example of behavior that might require the incorporation of a self-program to improve it is the behavior of poor time management. This behavior can be assessed mostly by observation but can also be recorded. The behavior of poor time management can be determined when an individual is observed to be late for many things in most of the times. Within an organization for example, when the person is always arriving late for work, or discovered to spend a lot of time while carrying out some of the roles and then forced to complete the rest of the roles hurriedly, the individual can be said to have the problem of time management (Rothstein, & Burke, 2010). Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.
The behavior can be measured by assessing the duration by which he or she is late on all occasions. If for example the individual is expected to arrive at work at eight o’clock in the morning, measuring the behavior would involve assessing how many minutes later the individual arrives after eight o’clock for a certain number of days. Time calculation and assessments are therefore the methods that will be used to obtain data that can help measure this behavior.
Rothstein, M. & Burke, R. (2010). Self-management and leadership development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Describe the target behavior in this case study Essay.