Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Nursing Assignment

Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Nursing Assignment

Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Task 3

A. People with Dementia

3.1.A In your own words explain the differing consequences of an impairment or type of disability in relation to:

a. Individual

A person with dementia faces a number of different challenges. Apart from the most well known effect of the disease which is gradual memory loss, the most basic of things and or activities are difficult for them to perform. Dementia affects a person’s mental and physical abilities thus manifesting in a demented person’s inability to perform activities of daily living in an effective and efficient fashion. Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Nursing Assignment


Apart from this, a person with dementia also has difficulty with communication. They are not able to effectively communicate what they want to say which often results to frustration and fits of aggressiveness. Furthermore, this also results to poor social interaction with others. They are not able to carry meaningful conversations and they may feel that they are often misunderstood which isolates them and withdraws them from the things which they used to enjoy doing. They may also manifest various behavior changes which they are not aware of. Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Nursing Assignment

b. The family/whanau

Taking care of a dementia person is very difficult- especially if they are your family member. The care and support they need will be permanent which means that it may cause various financial problems for the family. In the later stages of dementia, the client will need professional support which will need more finances from the family.Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs Nursing Assignment

Also, the client will need constant attention and support which may cause stress on the part of the family. They may lose their social life because their time is eaten up by their responsibilities with taking care of the client. Family members may neglect themselves and this may cause various health problems for them. They will be under so much stress and this may most likely lead to burn out.

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