Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 2 Guidelines paying particular attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements. After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template and save again. This assignment is due by Sunday end of Week 3 by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay.


Your Name: __________________________

Assignment Criteria Answers:(NOTE: See Milestone 2 Rubric for details required in each area.)
Define:Approved Nursing Issue from Milestone 1

25 points

Measure:Identify Measures (Indicators) to Support the Issue

75 points

Measure:List Stakeholders (important persons) in Improving this Nursing Issue

50 points

Analyze:Analyze the Causes of the Nursing Issue

50 points

Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay


NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template

Guidelines and Grading Rubrics

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Purpose

To apply lessons in quality improvement in nursing to a real world nursing issue. This Course Project will use the Six Sigma DMAIC process. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay.

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Course Outcomes

The Course Project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Identify the role of the BSN nurse in the quality improvement process as a member of the collaborative interprofessional team (PO#2 & 7)

CO 2: Discuss effective processes and strategies to improve quality in nursing (PO#2 & 8) Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 2 is worth 200 points of this total. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

Due Date

Submit your completed NR392 Milestone 2 to its Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 3.

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Requirements and Guidelines

  1. Carefully review this Milestone 2 Guidelines document rubric and the Milestone 2 Template.
  2. Download the Milestone 2 Template. Save it to your computer in Microsoft Word 2010 (or later) as a .docx file with the file name: Your Last Name NR392 Milestone 2.docx.
  3. Carefully review the rubric criteria for Milestone 2 and type directly on your saved Milestone 2 Template. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay.
  4. Complete all rubric areas for a superior Milestone 2.
  5. Use instructor feedback from Milestone 1 to improve your statements regarding the nursing issue in Milestone 2.
  6. Submit your completed Milestone 2 to the Dropbox as instructed by Sunday of Week 3. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description: See Rubric for Details
Define: Approved Nursing Issue from Milestone 1 25 12.5% Define (state) the Approved nursing issue from Milestone 1 including revisions if required by Milestone 1 faculty feedback.
Measure: Identify Measures (Indicators) to Support the Issue 75 37.5% Identify measures (indicators) to support that the above nursing issue is a problem at your facility. Include data from your setting if available to validate this quality issue.Example of data: If the issue is pressure ulcers, you might state the percentage of patients developing pressure ulcers at your facility over the last year. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay
Measure: List Stakeholders (important persons) in Improving this Nursing Issue 50 25% List the stakeholders (important persons) who can impact this nursing issue and quality improvement project. State titles; no names are needed. Explain role of each stakeholder in improving quality on this issue.
Analyze: Analyze the Causes of the Nursing Issue 50 25% Analyze the causes of this nursing issue. Provide details to explain what caused this issue or problem.
Total 200 pts 100% Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

 NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria A (100%)Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance

B (88%)Exceeds


Very good or high level of performance

C (80%)Meets


Competent or satisfactory level of performance

NI (38%)Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance

F (0%)Developing


Unsatisfactory level of performance

Define: Approved Nursing Issue from Milestone 125 points Defines (states) the approved nursing issue from Milestone 1 including excellentdetails in revisions (if required by Milestone 1 instructor feedback).25 points ☐ Defines (states) the approved nursing issue from Milestone 1 including good details in revisions (if required by Milestone 1 instructor feedback).22 points ☐ Defines (states) the approved nursing issue from Milestone 1 including fairdetails in revisions (if required by Milestone 1 instructor feedback).20 points ☐ Definition of nursing issue is poorly done and/or revisions did not adhere to feedback from instructor on Milestone 1.10 points ☐ Did not define (state) the nursing issue.0 points ☐
Measure: Identify Measures (Indicators) to Support the Issue75 points Identifies measures (indicators) to support the nursing issue. Excellent datafrom your setting is included OR (if no real data available) excellent statements of data types desired.75 points ☐ Identifies measures (indicators) to support the nursing issue. Good datafrom your setting is included OR (if no real data available) good statements of data types desired.66 points ☐ Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay Identifies measures (indicators) to support the nursing issue. Fair datafrom your setting is included OR (if no real data available) fair statements of data types desired.60 points ☐ Identifies measures (indicators) to support the nursing issue. Poor data from your setting is included OR (if no real data available) poor statements of data types desired.29 points ☐ Did not identify measures.0 points ☐
Measure: List Stakeholders (important persons) in Improving this Nursing Issue50 points Lists many stakeholders who can improve the nursing issue. Description of titles and roles of how each stakeholder can improve this issue is excellent.50 points ☐ Lists some stakeholders who can improve the nursing issue. Description of titles and roles of how each stakeholder can improve this issue is good.44 points ☐ Lists few stakeholders who can improve the nursing issue. Description of titles and roles of how each stakeholder can improve this issue is fair.40 points ☐ List of stakeholders is minimal or incomplete. May not list titles/roles.19 points ☐ Did not list stakeholders.0 points ☐
Analyze: Analyze the Causes of the Nursing Issue50 points Analyzes the causes of the nursing issue. Details and depth are excellent.50 points ☐ Analyzes the causes of the nursing issue. Details and depth are good.44 points ☐ Provides some analysis of the causes of the nursing issue. Details and depth are fair.40 points ☐ Analysis of causes of the nursing issue is poor or minimal.19 points ☐ Did not analyze causes.0 points ☐
Total Points Possible= 200 Points Earned =
Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay

NR 392 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 2 Template

Question description

Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing (graded)

Think of an area of opportunity within your current or former clinical setting that is quality driven. Define (D) one nursing care issue (not a workforce issue such as staffing) from a current or former nursing workplace (or clinical setting) that could be impacted by improved quality. This nursing care issue should not be one that has already undergone a quality improvement process. Tell us details of this issue and how it this issue impacts nursing care quality at that facility. Defining a Quality Care Issue in Nursing Essay