Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
Your work with clients benefits substantially from understanding cultural competence. Recognizing culturally competent practices before you begin to develop skills in this area is imperative. Understanding how your cultural differences intersect with your client and remaining mindful of your own assumptions and worldview have an influence on your counseling relationships.Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
Review the Learning Resources and focus on one of the mini–case studies (MCFC students, please choose one of the MCFC case scenarios) to complete your Assignment. Imagine you are the counselor for the individual in the case study and consider your own cultural competence within the counseling session.Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
The Assignment:
In a 2- to 3-page paper:
· Select one mini–case study from the Learning Resources for this Assignment that represents a cultural group different from your own.
· Imagine you are the counselor for the individual in the case study you selected and describe how you are culturally different from that person.Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
· Explain how you might demonstrate cultural competence, providing examples to support your response.
· Based on your current level of self-awareness, knowledge, and skill related to cultural competence, provide one or more strategies you could use to improve your cultural competence with this client.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.
Required Resources
· Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
o Chapter 16, “Counseling Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders” (pp. 501-523)
o Chapter 17, “Counseling Latinas/os” (pp. 525-547)
o Chapter 18, “Counseling Multiracial Individuals” (pp. 549-569)
o Chapter 21, “Counseling Jewish Americans” (pp. 615-632)
· Document: Mini–Case Studies (Word document)
These case studies are provided to support your completion of this week’s Assignment.Cultural Competence in Counseling Essay.
· Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012c). Inter-ethnic relations: Counseling interventions across demographic boundaries. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.
In this video, Drs. Derald Wing Sue, Teresa LaFromboise, Marie Miville, and Thomas Parham discuss counseling groups of people who come from different ethnic backgrounds.
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Optional Resources
· Microtraining Associates (Executive Producer). (2011). Counseling Filipino Americans: Part 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from length: 31 minutes)
· Microtraining Associates (Executive Producer). (2011). Counseling Filipino Americans: Part 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from length: 35 minutes)
· Microtraining Associates (Executive Producer). (1994). Specifics of practice for counseling with Latinos [Video file]. Retrieved from length: 71 minutes)
· Microtraining Associates (Executive Producer). (n.d.). Counseling the multiracial population: Couples, individuals, families [Video file]. Retrieved December 24, 2012, from length: 75 minutes)