Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

Complete this week’s Practice Activity.

Matching exercises give you an opportunity to practice definitions and develop logical and critical thinking skills. By using such techniques as inversion, diversion, and the process of elimination, you are able to greatly increase the probability of answering questions correctly. This is an important skill to have, as it is commonly found on nearly all standardized tests and increases critical thinking.Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

The objective of this exercise is to understand restitution, parole, mandatory release, and parole.



Unit 9 Practice Activity

Review the details of the Coatesville Fires.

Complete the Unit 9 Assignment Worksheet: The Coatesville Fires Case.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Save your Assignment in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit9_Assignment).

Submit your Assignment to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 9.Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

respond to class mate Karen:

Probation is a type of sentence given to offenders to serve in their community rather than spending time in jail. Offenders given probation can either be supervised, unsupervised, community-control, shock probation, and crime-specific types (McKenna, 2018) and acquire certain conditions the offender must abide by.

Probation should only be given to those who have committed petty crimes such as vandalism, possession of marijuana (very small amount), drunk driving if it’s their first time breaking the law. An individual who has been charged with sexual assault, molestation, or murder should not be given probation as they pose a threat to society. Although, McKenna (2018) states that crime-specific types probation may be given to sex offenders. What is done here is that the government installs a monitoring software to track what the offenders do on his computer. I would not argue if this type of probation is given to sex offenders after they have served their time in prison.Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

Thinking back at one of our seminars where we discussed how probation or parole can come in conflict with the jobs individuals hold because probation may require you to show up in a specific time that you start work causing the individual to lose his job. If I were a probation officer, I would want copies of the client’s work schedule so that he is able to do both (if probation officers can do that). The goal is for the offender to not offend again and we should not pose another obstacle in their path to do better. I would also want to check on them regularly (as a pop-up), proof of what they are doing to turn their lives around, provide them with counseling, and ask my permission when they want to leave their county. For me, these conditions are important to bring safety to society and help reinstate offenders into society as a functional citizen (unknown author, 2013).Criminal Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

McKenna, K. (2018). What types of probation are there? Retrieved from

N/A, (2013). The importance of probation for achieving community safety. Retrieved from Justice Assignment Unit9 Essay Paper

respond to susan:

According to Schmalleger (2017) probation is “A sentence of imprisonment that is suspended. Also, the conditional freedom granted by a judicial officer to a convicted offender, as long as the person meets certain conditions of behavior.” When someone who has been found guilty Is being sentenced they can be given probation. This is a set number of years that they have to report to a probation officer and follow a set of rules given. Some of these rules are things like no drinking, no drugs, and no leaving the state. Probation can also be given to serve after a sentence. So, someone can get 3 years jail time and 3 years’ probation. The probation starts once they are released. The federal government no longer has probation it is now called supervised release. The difference is probation you have an officer that supervises you and it is up to them if they want to report a violation to the court. Supervised release also has an officer, but everything has to be reported to the courts. I personally had t serve 3 years supervised release and it was no fun at all. I personally think that setting guidelines depends on each person’s crime. The courts actually set the guidelines but if given the opportunity the main ones would be no drugs, no excessive drinking, and they must report when scheduled. These main ones will help with tracking each convict and hopefully keep them out of trouble.Criminal Justice Assignment Unit 9 Essay Paper