Contraceptive Methods using the Latest Evidence-Based Guidelines Essay

Contraceptive Methods using the Latest Evidence-Based Guidelines Essay

Question description

Discussion question

Please fallow instruction, for this assignment, you will review the latest evidence based guidelines as they pertain to the case below. APA format, at least 5 references no later than 5 years old. Contraceptive Methods using the Latest Evidence-Based Guidelines Essay

Julia is a 33 year-old G2P2, with a medical history of migraines, for which she takes Imitrex when needed. She has a history of heavy and painful menses each month, lasting approximately 7-8 days. Karen smokes ½ pack of cigarettes per day. Her father has a history of DVT and cardiac disease. Her mother has a history of cervical cancer. Her blood pressure today is 138/76 and her pelvic exam is normal. She is divorced and is sexually active with her new boyfriend. She is currently using condoms for birth control and wants something more reliable. Julia does not desire pregnancy in the near future. Contraceptive Methods using the Latest Evidence-Based Guidelines Essay


Discuss the contraceptive methods using the latest evidence-based guidelines that Karen would be medically eligible for.

Identify one method that you feel would be most beneficial to Karen and discuss why you selected it.

Are there any methods that you would not recommend for Karen? Why? Contraceptive Methods using the Latest Evidence-Based Guidelines Essay