Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.



Material: Health Care Theories List
Material: Critical Analysis Table Sample
Material: Critical Analysis Table Template
Locate a conceptual or theoretical framework that could be used to explain a process related to a significant contemporary health care problem.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.


From a sustainable development perspective, the term value creation goes beyond the traditional economic definition, to include a vast array of socio-economic benefits to society. These include job creation, improved health and education, reduced poverty and reduced negative environmental impacts.

Conceptualising the socio-economic effects in a comprehensive and solid framework, where they can be quantified, aggregated and compared is a complex task, mostly addressed by cutting-edge research and analysis. Several of these effects may be hard to quantify (e.g. improved education) and their analysis remains therefore largely qualitative. Among those that can be quantified, some may not have the same units of measurement, and there is a risk of double counting or overlapping effects. Moreover, the same effects may be assigned different levels of priority according to national goals.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.


Note: In this framework, the widely used concept of “energy security” or “security of supply” is divided between aspects related purely to the trade balance (classified within “macroeconomic effects”) and those related to technical, geopolitical or financial risks (classified within “additional effects”).Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Source: Adapted from Fraunhofer ISI et al. 2012; BMU 2013a

This chapter follows a conceptual framework similar to the one adopted by Fraunhofer ISI et al. (2012) and BMU (2013a), which was one of the first attempts to formulate these concepts from a policy-making perspective. In it, the socio-economic effects of renewable energy deployment are divided into four main categories2: macroeconomic effects, distributional effects, energy system-related effects and additional effects, as depicted in Figure 1.1.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Macroeconomic effects

Macroeconomic effects refer to the elements traditionally studied within the discipline of macroeconomics. These effects can be assessed either within the renewable energy and related sectors (gross impacts), or within the economy as a whole (net impacts) (see Chapter 3). Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers. The macroeconomic effects include the four key variables analysed in this report: value added, GDP, welfare and employment (see sub-section 1.2.1). Further macroeconomic variables that will be covered in future analyses are those associated with trade balance. In the case of renewable energy, it is related to issues such as the trade of energy products, trade of RET equipment, domestic production and other related goods and services (Section 1.3).

Distributional effects

Distributional effects refer to the allocation of effects (both benefits and costs) to different stakeholders within the energy sector. They can be fiscal but can also relate to other aspects such as the type of ownership structure (even if fiscal instruments traditionally have been used with distributional purposes).Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers. Distributional effects can occur: i- among stakeholders within the renewable energy sector itself (e.g., among types of owners of renewable energy plants); ii- within the energy sector as a whole (e.g., distributional effects between renewable and conventional energy sources and among different types of energy consumers); iii- throughout the economy at a municipal, sub-national, national, regional or even global level; iv- between different sets of agents (e.g., households of different income levels, firms, governments); or v- more generally between different generations (i.e., related to the intergenerational equity debate in the framework of sustainable deve lopment).Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

These distributional effects are positive for the beneficiaries and negative for those who have to bear the corresponding burden. They have not been analysed in this study, but could include the type of owners of renewable energy plants, regional distribution and effects across energy consumers and tax payers.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Energy system-related effects

Energy system-related effects of renewable energy deployment reflect the additional costs or benefits compared to an energy system without renewables. This category contains the benefits and costs (direct and indirect) of renewable energy deployment, including, the additional generation costs (e.g., due to more frequent ramping, which implies more frequent maintenance), the additional balancing costs (e.g., the need for backup capacity), the additional grid costs (e.g., to accommodate the power generated in a newly developed offshore wind park), the additional transaction costs (e.g., the costs of wind forecasting), the benefits of reduced energy losses (some of these effects can also be classified within trade balance issues) and the benefits of reduced negative environmental externalities3.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Additional effects

Additional effects cover all remaining benefits and costs that may be associated with RET deployment. These effects are not less important than the previous ones, but because they can be classified in more than one category, they have been grouped into a separate one to minimise double counting. One of the main additional effects of large-scale renewable energy deployment is risk reduction. It includes: i- the mitigation of possible accidents associated with conventional energy sources (e.g. nuclear accidents, oil spills, etc.); ii- the lower technical risks associated with a more decentralised energy system; and iii- the reduction of geopolitical and financial risks associated with energy dependence in importing countries. The latter risks are usually referred to as “security of supply” or “energy security” in the literature. Since they include a “trade balance” effect, including them under “macroeconomic effects” would lead to double counting.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

It should be noted that the conceptual framework presented here is not complete. However, it is a first step in providing a comprehensive classification of socio-economic effects of renewable energy deployment in a modern energy context. Value creation in the context of energy access follows a different coceptual framework which is discussed in Box 1.1.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Make sure the framework has been used in at least five peer-reviewed studies. Create a critical analysis table, using the provided template, which synthesizes methodological details about at least five studies that used the framework. Use information in your critical analysis table to identify gaps in the theoretical literature that require additional research. Conceptual Framework Analysis

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper that analyzes and synthesizes the strengths and limitations of the framework to identify gaps in the theoretical literature that require additional research. Be sure to integrate your critical analysis table into the body of your final paper. Conceptual Framework Analysis

Note: To insert a table in the landscape position into a portrait-oriented document (i.e. your final paper), you will need to insert a Next Page Section Break at the start AND end of the table by following these steps:Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.

Click the end of the text where you want to insert your landscape table.
Click the Breaks drop-down menu
Select Next Page in the Section Breaks section.
Repeat Step 3 so there is a blank page after the text (where you will insert your table) and another page where the text will continue in the portrait position.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.
Click anywhere on the blank page on which you will insert your table and set the Page Orientation to Landscape.
Copy and Paste your table into the document.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Submit a copy of the Plagiarism Checker report with the assignment. Allow yourself time to receive and submit the originality report.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers. If the Plagiarism Checker is down, submit your assignment on time and inform your facilitator via private message Post the Plagiarism Checker report when it arrives Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your paper and Plagiarism Checker report. Conceptual Framework Analysis.Conceptual Framework Analysis Assignment Papers.