Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper

Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper

Assignment: Discuss concepts of personal power

All of the following concepts are associated with researcher Julian Rotter EXCEPT:
a. expectancy.
b. behavioral signatures.
c. reinforcement value.
d. locus of control.Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper




8. Which of the following concepts is most concerned with the amount of personal power or influence we feel that we can exert in our lives?
a. expectancy
b. self-monitoring
c. reinforcement value
d. locus of control

9. Ralph tends to be a rather passive person. Though he is happy and content with himself, he doesn’t really believe that his actions make much of a difference in the world. For instance, he doesnt vote because he assumes that most governments are run by a few powerful people and there is very little he can do to change things. Ralph would most accurately be described as having:Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper
a. low self-esteem.
b. an external locus of control.
c. high self-monitoring skills.
d. high self-efficacy.

10. Albert Banduras concept of self-efficacy specifically refers to peoples:
a. beliefs about the general amount of control they have in their lives.
b. tendencies to behave in ways consistent with their self-concepts.
c. beliefs about their abilities to perform behaviors needed to achieve specific outcomes.
d. tendencies to want to feel positively about themselves.Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper

11. ______________ social influence involves conforming in order to be accepted by others or to avoid social rejection, whereas ____________ social influence occurs when people conform to the behaviors or opinions of others because they believe that these others have accurate knowledge and know what is right.
a. Normative; informational
b. Normative; facilitative
c. Informational; normative
d. Facilitative; informational

12. A young child decides to dress more like his peers in order to avoid their rejection and teasing. This child is best demonstrating the effect of:
a. self-serving bias.Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper
b. normative social influence.
c. stereotype threat.
d. groupthink.

13. In subsequent experiments examining the factors that influence conformity, Solomon Asch determined that:

a. conformity continuously increased as group size increased.
b. conformity increased as group size increased from 1 to about 9 or 10, but further increases in group size did not increase conformity.
c. conformity increased as group size increased from 1 to about 4 or 5, but further increases in group size did not increase conformity.
d. conformity was typically unchanged as group size increased from 1 to about 4 or 5, but further
increases in group size served to increase conformity. Concepts of Personal Power Essay Paper