Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment

Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment

Concept Analysis Assignment and Rubric

Assignment: Write a 4-5-page paper on a concept analysis.


A concept analysis, concept development, and concept synthesis is described by McEwen and Willis (2019) as the “rigorous process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concepts used in science. Concept analysis is used to promote understanding.” Under-standing how concepts are used within nursing is critically important because how a concept is understood and used in nursing is not necessarily the same as how that concept is understood and used in other disciplines. Some concepts relevant to nursing are coping, quality of life, abuse, self-esteem, spirituality, health, nursing, managed care, and parenting Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.


A concept analysis is the first step in communicating meanings, understandings and feelings. The purpose of concept analysis is to “clarify, recognize, and define concepts that describe a phenomenon”. A concept is usually a measurable variable in a hypothesis, assumption, or proposition. Remember, the study of theoretical knowledge as an advanced degree nurse is to prepare you for abstract thinking skills in problem solving and to advance your understanding of how theories are the basis for practice. Concept analysis can be used to evaluate the level of development of nursing concepts by:
• Identifying gaps in nursing knowledge
• Determining the need to refine or clarify a concept when it appears to have several meanings
• Evaluate the adequacy of competing concepts in their relation to other phenomena
• Examine the congruence between the definition of the concept and the way it has been operationalized
• Determine the fit between the definition of the concept and its clinical application (Morse et al., 1996)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment

Activities and Directions

To begin the process, choose a concept you are interested in, e.g. a term you encounter with your work or one which you would like to research. Look for the measurable quality in your topic of interest, problem or question.
1. Read the published concept analysis papers. By reading the articles, this will help your understanding of the concept analysis assignment. Remember you are focusing on the concept. So if the concept is quality of life, focus on quality of life generally and not the nurse’s role in treatment or quality of life among the elderly.
2. The focus of this paper is to select and analyze a concept of interest to you and the discipline of nursing. See examples of theoretically and operationally defined concepts in McEwen and Willis on pg. 53. You will need to describe the concept in clear and simple language, and why it is of interest to you.
3. You must obtain faculty approval prior to beginning your assignment.
4. State the purpose of the analysis. Clearly identify the concept to be analyzed.
5. Review the literature for definitions. State the databases used. This should be done in a formal way- don’t just write Galileo because this is a repository of databases and you would want to identify specific databases used to help narrow down this information. Google Scholar is acceptable to use but not Google.
6. Identify all the uses of the concept.
7. Describe defining attributes (how do you know it when you see it).
8. Give an exemplar (model case) of the concept from your practice. Include empirical findings if located. Give real life examples.
9. Identify a choice of 2 of these: borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases.
10. Identify the antecedents and consequences of the concept.
11. Determine empirical referents for the concept (how is the occurrence of the concept measured?)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Other tips in writing this paper:
1. Use the steps in concept analysis from your textbook (Box 3-2, pg. 58) and the PowerPoint provided.
2. You must have five or more references from peer reviewed resources- this means scholarly journals that you find through a library search- you can also use your textbook or a website that would be scholarly- this means the website of a respected national organization and usually doesn’t end in .com but .edu, .gov, or .org.
3. Do not use more than three direct quotes.
4. Use headings for each section of the paper. (For example for each grading criteria use a heading. HINT: Heading makes it easier for faculty to see you have followed the grading criteria).
5. Review rubric (See rubric on the GoVIEW website under Rubrics)
6. This paper should be written in APA with a title page and reference page, which are not part of the page limit- this page limit (4-5 pages) is for the body of the paper. You are not required to include an abstract. Refer to the APA section under Content for help with formal writing and an example of a paper with APA format.
7. When submitting your paper in the Assignment drop box, title the file: lastname_firstname_conceptpaper.


A concept analysis provides details on an idea under investigation and is also the driving force behind improving practice quality. It clarifies key nursing concepts for implementing initiatives to improve patient care. Little research has been done on forgiveness among nurses. Forgiveness is frequently mentioned in nursing publications and documents within the religious context. This concept analysis aims to create a detailed description of forgiveness and how it applies in healthcare Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Definitions and uses of the concept

Pascoe (2020) defines forgiveness as a mindful, conscious strategy to release emotions or vengefulness towards an individual who has hurt you, irrespective of whether they earn your pardon. Forgiveness has synonyms such as pardon, absolution, dispensation, remission, respite, justification, and amnesty. Expressions such as “pardon me” and “forgive me” are uttered whenever a person interrupts, asks for clarity, or seeks pardon for other actions. Several definitions of forgiveness center on its hypothetical interpretation or conception from the viewpoint of behavioral science. Forgiveness is a method or path to release or reduce anger, resentment, resentment, or hatefulness toward others.

Defining attributes

Peter and Petermann (2018) recognize defining attributes as atributes commonly used in the literature as they give the simplest understanding of how a concept is interpreted. The concept of forgiveness has three critical defining attributes. The first is the capacity to recognize the harm to oneself or others that causes anger or resentment. The second is to let go of negative affect, previous occurrences, and liberty from eagerness to fight back against those who hurt you. According to Silva et al. (2020)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment, forgiveness needs to be distinguished from false forgiveness. Pseudo forgiveness is a ruse used to obtain power over others by trying to remind them of their shortcomings and displaying moral authority. Forgiveness must not imply amnesia, in which the previous mistake is deliberately set over or neglected. It also does not imply tolerating, forgetting, or halting to be upset concerning unfairness, nor does it condone or excuse wrongs. Instead, forgiveness entails an intentional and considerate recall of past wrongs.

Literature review

Glenn & Pieper (2019) define forgiveness as the process of liberating people from retribution against harmful parties and hatred against the offenders. The duo further states that forgiveness is for only those who have the will to confront their pain, make difficult choices, and accept change. According to the two authors, the process of forgiveness has got five phases. The first phase involves mentioning the injury and then interpreting what it means inside a broader life context. Phase two of the process says that it’s a must for the injured to claim injury and blame the injurer as it’s phase three. Finally, phase four talks about balancing the scales of the injury. Here, the injured can mirror the injury or behavior or confront the injured, after which they will move to face five and forgive (Glenn & Pieper, 2019)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment. To forgive, the injured must be able to move forward after letting go of the injury.

Recine et al. (2020) define forgiveness as “a little at a time over the period.” They characterized it as four stations therapeutic process starting with pardon and forgiveness coming last. At the fourth station is the ‘overt of forgiveness’ that allows the victimizer to demonstrate trust and love. The victimizer and the victim do not have to forget the past but instead should embrace living with differences for remembrance of forgiveness. Glenn & Pieper (2019) agreed that forgiving and forgetting are two different things. It is possible for one to forgive a painful action but seldom forget the pain it caused. One has to progressively pass through the steps of hurt, hatred, healing, and finally coming together with the victimizer (Brémault-Phillips et al., 2022). The authors found out in their research that many nurses and clinical workers had no general knowledge regarding the concepts of forgiveness and its practical utility. However, they agreed that the concept could be useful when counseling patients with chemical defense or relationship problems. For those dealing with anger and depression, forgiveness has been beneficial to them (Glenn & Pieper, 2019).

Religious forgiveness differs from other forms of forgiveness in that it focuses on the offender and not the victim (Warsah, 2020). As a matter of social or moral conscience, the offenders are encouraged to seek forgiveness from the victims or God. Warsah (2020) states that God’s ability to forgive reflects His unconditional love for the human race regardless of the sins committed. In holistic nursing, forgiveness involves listening to a patient’s story with both positive and negative feelings; this demonstrates the importance of letting patients tell their stories, accept their feelings towards their own stories, and progress towards the healing process (Warsah, 2020)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Antecedents and Consequence

Peter and Petermann (2018) define antecedents as incidents that must occur before a concept occurs. Forgiveness, for instance, must be delivered after acknowledging a prior detrimental incident deserving redeeming. People who have been hurt need self-motivation to pardon their perpetrators, while perpetrators should be ready to seek redemption and adjust harmful actions. Forgiveness, a healing process and releasing bad energy, necessitates a period of change and the release of hatred and bitterness. The antecedent of forgiveness includes a genuine acknowledgment of injury caused to others, a commitment to change, and open-mindedness.

Empirical Referents

Empirical referents help with idea measurement. Employee surveys and patient satisfaction surveys are two examples of empirical referents. According to Pascoe (2020), there are no measures available in the current study of the idea of forgiveness as it pertains to clinical practice. Nevertheless, behavioral-science research has attempted to determine forgiveness’s impact on mental well-being by measuring notions such as hope, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Chemical metrics of state unforgiveness and forgiveness, Self-report metrics, and indicators of brain function are among the state forgiveness indicators. Several researchers discovered that the Psychological Profile of Forgiveness Scale could be used to assess the level to which individuals pardon their perpetrators Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Model Case

Nurse Natasha is attending to some couples, Mary and John, who have heard about marriage issues for the last two years. John was caught having affairs outside marriage, and Mary found it difficult to forgive her husband. Each time they quarrel, Mary keeps mentioning the issue, and John is unhappy. Mary admits that she has forgiven John for the issue, yet she keeps mentioning it every time they have a conflict. John is unhappy about this situation since he changed and is now focused on his marriage. Nurse Natasha explains to Mary the essence of forgiveness, and now Mary is willing to forgive her husband fully.

The above model case illustrates all essential characteristics of forgiveness. Mary accepted the cause of her resentment. She was ready to release the negative attitude affiliated with the previous injury and the desire to strike back at her husband.

Borderline Case

Jared is a 37-year-old homeless shelter visitor. He is undergoing heroin rehabilitation services in a drug addiction rehab facility. He has serious anxiety and has tried to commit suicide three times previously. Even after counseling and psychiatric medication, Jared is haunted by his old days. He tells his therapist that he “has committed horrible acts to sustain his heroin addiction and that “even if God can pardon me, I cannot pardon myself.” Jared is afraid of telling his story to Narcotics Anonymous (NA)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Jared is seriously struggling to pardon himself for his actions in the past. He recognizes that he has harmed himself and refuses to forgive himself. Jared is undergoing the steps of forgiveness, yet he is inactively following a recommended program instead of consciously displaying forgiveness’s aspects.

Contrary case

Mercy recently found that her ten-year-husband has had yet another illicit affair. Mark’s infidelity has been a persistent issue during their marriage. Mark is remorseful every moment his affair is discovered, pleading for forgiveness and promising not to deviate afterward. Mercy is scared of divorce and cannot imagine her life without Mark. “There is nothing to debate, he has acknowledged he was flawed, and I pardon him,” she said, dismissing her neighbors’ recommendations that she and Joe seek couples counseling.

The scenario is not an illustration of forgiveness. None of them acknowledges the recurring harm that has caused anger and frustration, and neither are they working to reconcile.

Theoretical application of the caring concept

Nurses can develop clinical interventions through the analysis of forgiveness as a concept believing that forgiveness and acceptance play a role in positive psychological, spiritual, and physical health outcomes (Brémault-Phillips et al., 2022)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment. Those nurses working with certain populations find forgiveness important in intervention and assessment. Recine et al. (2020), for instance, recommended that forgiveness might be a vital aspect of maintaining sobriety and recovery from addiction among a community of homeless men. This area of clinical practice is underutilized and has the potential to benefit all settings and persons.


In conclusion, systematic analysis of forgiveness as a concept requires nurses to develop a theory of forgiveness as the first step. Analysis of the concept has identified forgiveness’s defining attributes, antecedents, and outcomes. The next step involves constructing and developing a theoretical relationship between forgiveness and its outcome. Describing forgiveness concerning nursing practice and using qualitative methods may help enhance nurses’ holistic knowledge and improve their health.


Brémault-Phillips, S., Cherwick, T., Smith-MacDonald, L. A., Huh, J., & Vermetten, E. (2022). Forgiveness: A Key Component of Healing From Moral Injury?. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.

Glenn, C. T., & Pieper, B. (2019). Forgiveness and spiritual distress: Implications for nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing, 36(3), 185-189.

Pascoe, S. (2020). Healing Bullying in Nursing and Nursing Education through Forgiveness (Doctoral dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.

Peter, I. K., & Petermann, F. (2018). Cyberbullying: A concept analysis of defining attributes and additional influencing factors. Computers in human behavior, 86, 350-366.

Recine, A. G., Recine, L., & Paldon, T. (2020). How people forgive: a systematic review of nurse-authored qualitative research. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(2), 233-251.

Silva, R. S., Caldeira, S., Coelho, A. N., & Apóstolo, J. L. A. (2020). Forgiveness facilitation in palliative care: a scoping review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(11), 2196-2230.

Warsah, I. (2020). Forgiveness is viewed from positive psychology and Islam. IGCJ: Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 3(2), 108-121.

Concept Analysis Assignment and Rubric

Assignment: Write a 4-5-page paper on a concept analysis.


 A concept analysis, concept development, and concept synthesis is described by McEwen and Willis (2019) as the “rigorous process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concepts used in science. Concept analysis is used to promote understanding.” Under-standing how concepts are used within nursing is critically important because how a concept is understood and used in nursing is not necessarily the same as how that concept is understood and used in other disciplines. Some concepts relevant to nursing are coping, quality of life, abuse, self-esteem, spirituality, health, nursing, managed care, and parenting.

A concept analysis is the first step in communicating meanings, understandings and feelings. The purpose of concept analysis is to “clarify, recognize, and define concepts that describe a phenomenon”. A concept is usually a measurable variable in a hypothesis, assumption, or proposition. Remember, the study of theoretical knowledge as an advanced degree nurse is to prepare you for abstract thinking skills in problem solving and to advance your understanding of how theories are the basis for practice. Concept analysis can be used to evaluate the level of development of nursing concepts by:

  • Identifying gaps in nursing knowledge
  • Determining the need to refine or clarify a concept when it appears to have several meanings
  • Evaluate the adequacy of competing concepts in their relation to other phenomena
  • Examine the congruence between the definition of the concept and the way it has been operationalized
  • Determine the fit between the definition of the concept and its clinical application (Morse et al., 1996) Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment

Activities and Directions

To begin the process, choose a concept you are interested in, e.g. a term you encounter with your work or one which you would like to research. Look for the measurable quality in your topic of interest, problem or question.

  1. Read the published concept analysis papers. By reading the articles, this will help your understanding of the concept analysis assignment. Remember you are focusing on the concept. So if the concept is quality of life, focus on quality of life generally and not the nurse’s role in treatment or quality of life among the elderly.
  2. The focus of this paper is to select and analyze a concept of interest to you and the discipline of nursing. See examples of theoretically and operationally defined concepts in McEwen and Willis on pg. 53. You will need to describe the concept in clear and simple language, and why it is of interest to you.
  3. You must obtain faculty approval prior to beginning your assignment.
  4. State the purpose of the analysis. Clearly identify the concept to be analyzed.
  5. Review the literature for definitions. State the databases used. This should be done in a formal way- don’t just write Galileo because this is a repository of databases and you would want to identify specific databases used to help narrow down this information. Google Scholar is acceptable to use but not Google.
  6. Identify all the uses of the concept.
  7. Describe defining attributes (how do you know it when you see it).
  8. Give an exemplar (model case) of the concept from your practice. Include empirical findings if located. Give real life examples.
  9. Identify a choice of 2 of these: borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases.
  10. Identify the antecedents and consequences of the concept.
  11. Determine empirical referents for the concept (how is the occurrence of the concept measured?)Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment.


Other tips in writing this paper:

  1. Use the steps in concept analysis from your textbook (Box 3-2, pg. 58) and the PowerPoint provided.
  2. You must have five or more references from peer reviewed resources- this means scholarly journals that you find through a library search- you can also use your textbook or a website that would be scholarly- this means the website of a respected national organization and usually doesn’t end in .com but .edu, .gov, or .org.
  3. Do not use more than three direct quotes.
  4. Use headings for each section of the paper. (For example for each grading criteria use a heading. HINT: Heading makes it easier for faculty to see you have followed the grading criteria).
  5. Review rubric (See rubric on the GoVIEW website under Rubrics)
  6. This paper should be written in APA with a title page and reference page, which are not part of the page limit- this page limit (4-5 pages) is for the body of the paper. You are not required to include an abstract. Refer to the APA section under Content for help with formal writing and an example of a paper with APA format.
  7. When submitting your paper in the Assignment drop box, title the file: lastname_firstname_conceptpaper Concept Analysis For Forgiveness In Nursing Assignment