Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper

Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper

Development of a comprehensive strategic plan for advancing the policy.
Include all of the ideas for advancing the policy and include strategies – What you will do to “sell” your policy.
Remember this includes knowing your “stakeholders” and be specific (name, contact info, etc.).
Is there an organization to include in your strategic plan?
Consider community activisim, effective communication, and remain culturally sensitive.
Include ideas for public speaking; social media that may include blogging, texting, use of the media. There are lots of ideas in the textbook.
You might consider adding any written materials in an Appendix.
2 pages with correct in text citations with at least 2 current (since 2018) references in APA 7 format. Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper


Strategic planning includes all the aspects that are worth in ensuring maximum output in a health organization with the best quality and quantity as desired by the society (Harris et al., 2020). In various aspects, there are different considerations that have to be put in place in that the policies under the strategic plans can be well-known and practiced in the health of the society. The aspect that is considered in the policy engagement is that the more the interest the people have in the collaborative process, the more the demand for services of choice under production, as well as the higher the quality that is maintained by a particular health organization. Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper

In selling an organization policy, for instance, with the medical planning and manufacturing industry, the stakeholders are the first individuals that should be in the acknowledge of what should be adjusted and what should be maintained for the best output. Each stakeholder has a different opinion on how different aspects can be brought into the business in that they can be able to achieve the best returns for the business purposes. They are also in the knowledge of the strengths and the weaknesses of the business in that they are able to give the best views with their full knowledge.

The first aspect to consider in selling the policy for business growth is communication. Information amongst the stakeholders of the business should be with purpose and in a consistent way (Du, Zhang & Mora, 2022)Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper . They need to be aware of the primary objective of a business so that they can be able to chair the programs. The internal stakeholders need to be aware of the direction of the business and thus engage the aspects of using electronic messages, emails, posters, meetings, and payroll inserts in communication with the external stakeholders. The personnel should also employ the use of visual media that can be posted throughout the organization in that the goals, vision, and the mission of the company can be well captured by all the involved parties.

The community should be more involved in the strategic planning sector, which is the primary stakeholder after the internal stakeholders (Du, Zhang & Mora, 2022). This aspect goes hand in hand with the culture of the society in that they are able to make the objective of the business to change a progress and fail if it does not match to the cultural desires of the community (Harris et al., 2020)Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper . The community should be involved in the knowledge of the strategic initiatives in that they can spread the context to the entire market through different aspects that involve advertisers changing their advertising designs and model as per the information about a particular product or service.

The population dependent on various services, that is, the external stakeholders, should be in the knowledge of what the policy is and where each can fit in to ensure the success of the particular plan. The engagement of the employees, that are the internal stakeholders of the business, enhances the ownership of the organization (Harris et al., 2020). Du  (2022) This may be advanced through the emailing and texting of fellow employees in an organization. The community should also be in the know-how in that they can be able to include the media, that is, the advertisers, the media presenters, and different individuals who are involved in the marketing of business policies to the market, such as ambassadors Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper .

It is only possible for an organization to move to its desired goals by setting a goal map. This includes the involvement of the organization personnel in that they can get to the desired outcome. Ideas are generated and the different diversifications of the ideas brought in to turn things positive by ensuring that all the stakeholders are in the knowledge of what they have to bring about in that they can be in line with the business operations as they are linked to the community in line with the community culture and beliefs. Communication of the stakeholders of an organization can thus link all the producers and the consumers of the product if proper advertising, blogging, and the social media at large are involved in acknowledging the parties about policy changes.



Du, M., Zhang, X., & Mora, L. (2022). Strategic planning for smart city development: assessing spatial inequalities in the basic service provision of metropolitan cities. In Sustainable Smart City Transitions (pp. 113-132). Routledge.

Harris, P., Kent, J., Sainsbury, P., Riley, E., Sharma, N., & Harris, E. (2020). Healthy urban planning: an institutional policy analysis of strategic planning in Sydney, Australia. Health promotion international35(4), 649-660 Comprehensive Strategic Plan For Advancing Plan Research Paper