components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay Paper

components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay Paper

Assignment: Discuss components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement

Question # 1

What were the main tenets that leaders of the Humanistic Psychology Movement presented to the American Psychological Association in order to justify becoming its own Division? Why might these tenets have been chosen as significant to the justification of a separate division?components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay Paper



question #2

The First Old Saybrook Conference (1964) was a significant event in the history of psychology. Attendees such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Gordon Allport represented several major schools of thought in the budding humanistic psychology movement. What did Maslow, Rogers, May, and Allport express as necessary components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement? In what ways did the schools of thought expressed by these conference attendees contribute to humanistic psychology’s place in America? Explain.

Assignment: Article Review and Critique

By now, you should be aware that the findings from a research study are only part of the story. As a consumer, hoping to inform practice by use of an evidence base, you want to know much more. A sound research study includes all the steps highlighted in previous weeks: reviewing existing literature, focusing a research question, choosing a qualitative or quantitative method for answering the question, designing the study including selection of data collection procedures and/or measures, procedures used, data analysis plan, and findings. In addition, the study commonly discusses how ethical concerns were addressed and acknowledges the limitations of the study. For this assignment, you review a published research study with two purposes in mind:components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay Paper

  • Observing the structure and content of the article
  • Comparing the content of the article to the recommended content of sections for a research study.
By Day 7

Submit a 7-10 page critique and review of the article, which includes the title page and the reference list. Follow the guidelines below:

  1. Use the quantitative or qualitative research article that you located and that your instructor approved as part of the Week 5 assignment.
  2. Provide an APA reference for the article you select.
  3. If you selected a quantitative research study, use the “Quantitative Article Review and Critique. If you selected a qualitative study, use the “Qualitative Article Review and Critique.” Respond to all the questions.

Be sure to include the questions in your critique. This will cause your Turnitin report to show high similarity to other students’ papers. However, do not be concerned about that. Do, however, appropriately paraphrase and cite specific details from the article you review.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Document: Week 10 Assignment Guidelines: Qualitative Article Review and Critique (PDF)

Document: Week 10 Assignment Guide components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay Paper