Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment
‘’You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could & should do for themselves’’
Abraham Lincoln. Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
Adolescence is retrieved from Latin word ‘‘adolescere’’ which means ‘’to grow up’’. Total of 1.2 billion adolescents pass across the period between childhood and the adulthood around the world. Knowledge and Proficiency captured by adolescents have valuable implications for their growth (Townsend,2010).
Age group of adolescents is defined by many programmes. According to WHO, adolescence is defined as the period in human growth and development that occurs after childhood and before adulthood from the ages of 10 to19. According to Erik Erikson’s stages of human development, an adolescent’s age group between 13-19 years, Draft Youth Policy defined as the age group between 13-19 years; ICDS programme considered the age group of adolescent is 11-18 years; Internationally, the age group of adolescent is 10-19 years (Carol, 2000).Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
UNICEF categorizes adolescence period in three levels: early adolescents (10-13 years of age), middle adolescents(14-16), late adolescents (17-19). It is a hassle period packed with major variations in physical growth, sexuality, cognitions, emotions and relate with others. It is a period of unearthing of self and relate to the world around the individual (Stanton, 2016).Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
The sudden and rapid physical changes that occur to make adolescents to aware of oneself, very sensitive and concern about their body changes. It makes the adolescent to feel inferior while compared with others. It causes the adolescents to have Self-hatred and negative feelings about themselves. The alternative component for self hatred is self confidence or self esteem (Nangle, 1993).
Adolescent’s psychological well being & self esteem can be interpreted as indicators of adaptive positive emotion is need for continuous developmental process in their life. Self Concept, Self Identity, Self Esteem & Assertiveness are important developmental tasks for adolescents & these are related to successful emotional regulation & absence of psychological distress. If these indicators are diminished among adolescents means it will end up with psychological problems like depression, suicide, alcohol & drug abuse. ( Zaff, et al., 2007).Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper
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Community Review of Healthcare Services Nursing Assignment Paper