Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

NUR 544 WEEK 2 Community Health Advocacy Project – Part One

Community Health Advocacy Project – Part One

Select an aggregate with a health concern that interests you. You will use this aggregate throughout the class as a basis for your Community Health Advocacy Project due Week 6. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper reviewing your aggregate and applying the levels of prevention.


Describe the characteristics of the aggregate you chose. Include the following:

  • A detailed description of the aggregate
  • Include any relevant facts or statistical data that narrow the group to an easily definable aggregate, such as geographical location, gender, age, and so on.
  • A description of the health issue (can take many forms) and why it is a problem Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper
  • Include statistical data to support your argument.
  • An explanation of why you chose this aggregate.

Describe the three levels of prevention and apply them to your aggregates health concern. Include:

  • a brief description of the levels of prevention.
  • an explanation of how the three levels of prevention could be applied to your aggregate’s health concern. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Format your Community Health Advocacy Project – Part One paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 5 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles.

Submit the assignment as directed by the instructor. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

NUR 544 Week 1 Individual Assignment Population-Focused Health Care Terms Worksheet NEW

Complete the Community and Public Health Terms Worksheet.

Submit the assignment as directed by the instructor.

Assignment Grading Criteria Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Population-Focused Health Care Terms Worksheet

Week 1

Select 10 of the following terms and complete both columns for each term selected. 

Write a definition and its relationship to Population-Focused Health to each of the terms. Each term definition and the relationship must be explained in the student’s own words using complete sentences.

Include two APA-formatted references to support your claims for each term. The course textbook(s) may be one source. The second source must be reputable; Wikipedia or online dictionaries that are not Nursing or community based may not be used as a resource. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

NUR 544 Week 2 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project – Part Two

Describe characteristics of the aggregate you chose in Week One. Include the following criteria: Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper
  • Definitions of community and aggregate with support from the literature
  • Differences between aggregate and community
  • Identification and description of an aggregate
  • Identify Christoffel’s three stages in a conceptual framework for advocacy. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper
Write a short action plan on how you would apply each stage as an advocate for your aggregate.
Include your work in the Weekly Guide–separate from this paper and the Weekly Guide does not have to be submitted until the last week, but be sure to add a few “bullets” to that guide. All six parts will be turned in the last week of class.

NUR 544 Week 3 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project – Part Three

The levels of prevention in epidemiology help provide a framework for health professionals to intervene and prevent disease, injury, or disability. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

  • Write a short description of the three levels of prevention.
  • Apply the three levels of prevention to your aggregate’s health concern.
  • Include a specific example of your initiative in action for each level.

Select the best theoretical model that will help you answer, or provide the rationale for, why you asked the questions you did in Part One of the Weekly Guide. This will help you address your advocacy concerns. Consider the following questions: Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

  • What are the main concepts within the model?
  • What about theory explains why you asked those questions.
  • Include your work in Part Three of your Weekly Guide.

NUR 544 Week 4 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project – Part Four NEW

Design a data collection tool that can be used with your aggregate population. Make sure the tool contains the following:  Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

  • Demographics—name, birth date, ethnicity, sex, education level, and so forth
  • The questions that you came up with in Part One and any others that you feel would apply
  • Two additional questions that would be consistent with the goals of Healthy People 2020
  • Data from reliable sources that answers each of the questions you asked
  • Include data points with two levels of data for each— if you cannot find two points, a data gap exists.
  • Include your data in Part Four of the Weekly Guide. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

NUR 544 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Community Conceptual Model NEW

NUR 544 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Community Conceptual Model NEW

NUR 544 Week 6 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project Part Six NEW Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Review the intervention you suggested to meet your outcome goals in Part Five. Consider the following question:

  • What are two formative—conducted during the progress of the program—and two summative—conducted taken at the end of the program—evaluation measures that could be used to evaluate your intervention?
  • Design a hypothetical, community health advocacy project based on your completed Weekly Guide. Deliverable examples include, a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, a proposal for a project to a local board, organization, or a newspaper article. Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper

Include the following in your project:

  • The information from your Weekly Guide
  • Projected effects of project success on public health policy
  • At least four current references, dated within the last three years Community Health Advocacy Project Assignment Paper