Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion

Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion

The effective nurse educator collaborates with partners and the community during the curriculum design process. The purpose of this assignment is to reflect and refine your lesson plan based on collaborative feedback from the preceptor/mentor.

Meet with your preceptor/mentor to review your lesson plan. Discuss your lesson plan and possible barriers to successful implementation. Based on the collaboration with the preceptor, provide a brief summary (200-350 words), to address the following:


Prior to meeting with the preceptor, reflect on your lesson plan and identify areas of strength and improvement. Describe opportunities for scholarship that will advance your teaching practices.
Describe identified areas of strength and areas that need improvement based on preceptor feedback.
Explain changes made to the lesson plan based on your findings in items 1 and 2 (above)Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion.
Explain the importance of interprofessional collaboration with involved stakeholders (based on your practicum setting) on your lesson plan changes for future implementation.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion

MSN Nursing Education

6.4: Engage in the professional role of the nurse educator through systematic self-reflection, reflective teaching practice, and exploring opportunities for scholarship.

The meeting with the preceptor was fruitful as it helped me identify the strengths in the lesson plan and note the areas that require improvement. I conveyed the goals and objectives of the lesson, which provided an overview of the content to disseminate and the skills I intended to pass across in the lesson plan. I had a well-tailored lesson plan that contained the teaching activities, evaluation, and assessment strategies. The lesson plan covered various learning resources and embraced diverse evidence-based practices that are crucial in professional practice. I intend to leverage scholarship and evidence-based practices into the lesson plan by utilizing supportive learning resources from acknowledged websites, journals, and textbooks. Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion


The preceptor’s feedback helped in the identification of the strengths and the areas for improvement. The resources I used to support learning and the focus on evidence-based practices in modeling the lesson plan were the stand-out strengths. However, the preceptor pointed out that I needed to be specific in my assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes. Based on the preceptor’s feedback, I incorporated evidence-based practices into the lesson plan and adopted various resources such as books, journals, and websites to foster the learning process. Besides, I adopted a clear and precise assessment plan based on specific goals and objectives and conducted it under a particular timeline. The collaboration with the preceptor was instrumental in the tailoring of the lesson plan. I identified the areas that needed improvement, as well as pointed out the strengths in the lesson plan. According to Zechariah et al. (2019), collaboration among professional healthcare workers is a prerequisite to quality patient care. In light of this, the interaction helped me align the lesson plan to the teaching goals and objectives, thus promoting competency and professionalism in the modeling of the lesson plan. Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion


Zechariah, S., Ansa, B. E., Johnson, S. W., Gates, A. M., & Leo, G. D. (2019). Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Healthcare: An Exploratory Study of the Perspectives of Medical Students in the United States. Healthcare, 7(4), 117. Collaboration With Preceptor Assignment Discussion