Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

Colleague 1: Geraldine

A growing problem teens are having to deal with is teen dating violence. The statistics from the CDC are alarming. One statistic that stands out significantly is, “One in 10 high school students has experienced physical violence from a dating partner in the past year” (Carchedi, 2013, para. 1). The Internet-based Internet intervention site by the School Social Work Net on teen dating violence has some good resources for parents, teachers, and social workers. This site has links to evidence based programs that can be used for teaching purposes, as well information to sites like This site is directed specifically for teens experiencing dating violence. When you first enter the site it has a safety alert that tells the user that computer use can be monitored by the offender and provides a phone number and directions to clear the browser history (National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2017). The teen can even do a live chat with an advocate. The advocate will go over safety planning, self-care, and referrals for the area the teen is in (National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2017). The site also provides information for a teen that is seeking help for their friend.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper



While I was working on base as a Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate I went to the local high schools that have a high population of military dependent students to talk about teen dating violence. I handed out information about sites and literature. I presented my talk to small and large groups. The smaller groups were the ones where I was asked some very concerning questions about issues that are happening here in Anchorage, Alaska schools. I even took one girl to the school social worker and we helped her with her situation. She had visible marks on her arm from a fight she had with her boyfriend that morning. It was an eye- opener.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

The strength of loveisrespect. org program is that is provides a situation of privacy for the youth. The online and phone hotline advocacy provides 24/7/365 help, even in Spanish. The weakness is the same as with all hotline help lines. It does not provide face-to-face help for the teen. The advocates can provide all the information to the youth, but there is not a guarantee that the youth will follow through with the advice.


Carchedi, S. (2013). Teen dating violence interventions and resources. SSWN. Retrieved from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

National Domestic Violence Hotline. (2017). Love is respect. Retrieved from

Colleague 2: Georjetta

Internet-based intervention used with adolescents and locate an article on the use of mentoring or peer support programs for adolescents

Adolescent years of children can be very challenging. Lecroy and Willaims 2013 brings out that during the adolescent years physical changes take place more rapidly with the production of sex hormones, puberty, and appearance of secondary sex characteristics, therefore they need all the support they can get.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

Describe the intervention and the underlying theory. Identify the target behaviors that this intervention is used to addressAssess the intervention

The internet based intervention I chose was the cognitive behavior therapy for adolescent depression.  The target group here is at risk children that are juvenile delinquent.  According to (Saranya, Darawan T., Hunsa, Petsunee, & Surinporn, 2017) CBT is a form of psychotherapy that can be offered as a self-help intervention with or without support from a CBT therapist or a trained professional such as a general practitioner, nurse, or community coach by making telephone calls, sending emails, or posting comments during a personal conference. NAT’s was the most significant cause of this population. NAT’s is when adolescents think negatively about themselves. CBT has been useful for the modification of the negative thinking that causes depression among youths with delinquency problems. This CBT focused on the youth from Thai and did their CBT via compute (computerized cognitive behavior therapy. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper  The intervention process of the program followed the process of CBT included identifying, evaluating, modifying negative thoughts that are the cause of depression and problem solving. Another method during intervention used in mentoring. According to Thomas, Lorenzetti & Spragins 2013) “The National Mentoring Partnership organization, provides the simplest definition of youth mentoring:” A personal relationship in which a caring individual provides consistent companionship, support, and guidance aimed at developing the competence and character of a child or adolescent.”

Compare and Contrast

Both interventions turned out to be effective for the adolescent population. Both treatments goals were the same which was to better the child and both provided support. The CCBT taught different behavior modifications via computers. Mentoring is more face to face where your able to develop more of a relationship with client and possibly get to know them better. Regardless of which intervention used both can go hand in hand with each other.

Strength and Weaknesses

Although there have been several CCBT programs for reducing depression, there are limitations for their application in the treatment of depression among youths with delinquency problems. Results of the study revealed that the participants who received the CCBT program had lower mean scores of depressions immediately after completing the program. Even though CCBT therapy was effective a further study is needed for examining the sustainability of the long-term impacts of the program in reducing depression.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper


Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different client and provide feedback and/or support.

Colleague 1: Tiffany

Suicide is a serious public health concern and learning the warning signs is very important.

The first step is to define the problem how big the problem is , when it occurs, and who it effects.

Step 2: Identify risk and protective factors It is not enough to know that suicide affects certain people in certain areas. We also need to know why. Develop programs to reduce suicide.

Step 3: Develop and test prevention strategies Using information gathered in research, and evaluate strategies to prevent suicide.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

In the Brady case Brady was a teen who presented to his social worker as immature male for his age with low intelligence. Brady feared his father which caused him to have anxiety and depression due to his father’s abusive parenting. This alone and adding the death of his mother three years back could be a trigger point for suicide. Brady was experiencing low-self-esteem due to his father’s abusive behaviors towards him. Brady’s feelings of fear and his feelings or detachment from his father could create depression which could have lead to suicide.

The intervention I use would be family structural therapy. I would use tools such as genograms and ecomaps to build on the clients strengths. I would use these strengths to empower Brady. I would have individual sessions with both Brady and his father and then sessions together. I would also refer Brady’s father to parental classes. I would refer Brady to group with teens his age. I would brainstorm ideas together to make their life better by letting them pick he ideas and then trying them to better the relationship.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper





Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Suicide prevention: Youth suicide. Retrieved from

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. Working With Families: The Case of Brady (pp. 26–28)

Colleague 2: Tina

In the case of Tiffani, she feels that she was reused from an unsafe environment by Donald who became her boyfriend.  She was abused by a family member and she feels as no one seem to care that her mother did not really love her (Laureate Education, 2013a).  Tiffani was with Donald for two years and finds herself in a similar situation by being sold to another pimp although there were some positive things that Donald did for her (Laureate Education, 2013a). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper   Although Tiffani feels that she was saved from one negative environment she does not want to express the negative experience she has experience with Donald. The anxiety and depression she feels about being on the street, not making enough money and her home life that she feels she left behind although it is still occurring can lead to suicide. The stressful life events Tiffani have experience can lead to suicide such as being abused or not feeling loved by her family.  Some risk factors that Tiffani is showing is sexual behavior and the experience of being abused are common risk factors in adolescent (LeCroy & Williams, 2013). Tiffani is having environmental problems along with establishing a healthy relationship.  There is a disconnection that she has such as an attachment style that she did not effectively establish now is affecting her relationships.  This determines how Tiffani reacts to her needs and how she will go about getting them met.Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

Suicide is a serious problem that affect many young people.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) states that suicide is one of the leading cause for children who are between the age of 10 and 24. Suicide behavior increase during the adolescence phase.  Common signs that Tiffani is expression is feeling like there is no solution. She has withdrawn from her family.  She has experience stressful life events. There is denial and there is no confident in herself to express her negative experience with Donald. There is a lack of self-awareness and a weak family system, resources and support. She has not address her past environment or new environment.

Psychosocial intervention has been beneficial for individuals such as adolescent who express depression and suicide behavior (Stanley et al., 2009). We want to prevent Tiffani from committing suicide, so it is beneficial to address the warning signs.    Psychotherapy or talk therapy can help reduce suicide risk, CBT can help people establish new ways to deal with stressful situations (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). By utilizing Cognitive behavior therapy-suicide prevention (CBT-SP) its goal is to help reduce any suicidal risk factors that Tiffani may be experiencing. This type of intervention is principals of CBT and dialectical behavioral therapy and is targeted treatments for suicidal, depression in adolescents or adults (Stanley et al., 2009). Want to help Tiffani regulate any emotions by developing strategies and problem-solving strategies.  Want to enhance coping and prevent suicidal behavior (Stanley et al., 2009).Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

Tiffani could benefit from one on one counseling but also the family system needs to be rebuild.  As a social worker, I will educate Tiffani on depression and how depression can lead to suicidal indications and how many risk factors lead to suicide or attempts of suicide. This will be done in a one-on-one session and will help Tiffani understand her feelings and new strategies to manage stress.  The goal is to help Tiffani work through any anxiety or depression she may be experience regarding her old environment or current environment. There must be a healthier connection with her family establish. Many suicidal crises occur for adolescents within their environment that include abuse, family dysfunction, and problematic relationships and CBT-SP can help address these issues in family therapy (Stanley et al., 2009). Family therapy would also be beneficial for Tiffani to express her concerns and feelings to her mother and allow the parent to meet with the therapist for family session to focus on how the anxiety or depression that Tiffani is experiencing can lead to suicide and ways to reduce suicide risk factors.  The family problems can be addressed to the extent that they are viewed by the client to prevent any suicide attempts (Stanley et al., 2009). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper Although individual and family counseling needs to be done first Tiffani can benefit from group counseling in the future. After Tiffani has handle individual counseling to work on herself and some of the goals that has been establish and addressing family issues than group counseling can come next.  Group counseling can allow Tiffani a chance to meet other individuals who have experience similar situations as her. This can allow her to share her experience and listen to others and share strategies on how to overcome or how others have overcome the situations they have experience. The goal is to do individual counseling, then family therapy, then if Tiffani would like group therapy.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Suicide prevention: Youth suicide. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Bradley family: Episode 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from

LeCroy, C. W., & Williams, L. R. (2013). Intervention with adolescents. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 97–124). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper

National Institute of Mental Health, (2017). Suicide prevention. Retrieved from:

Stanley, B., Brown, G., Brent, D. A., Wells, K., Poling, K., Curry, J.,  & Goldstein, T. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for suicide prevention (CBT-SP): treatment model, feasibility, and acceptability. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(10), 1005-1013. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention Psychology Essay Paper