Clarifying Research Worksheet Paper

Clarifying Research Worksheet PaperDirections for Preparing

the Scholarly Worksheet
Read each of the instructions.
Download and complete the required Clarifying Research Worksheet under Please use templates that is uploaded to file
Two or more supporting scholarly sources are required.
No more than two direct quotes are allowed. You should be using mostly your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the topics/criteria for this assignment. Citations and references must be included.


Clarifying Research Worksheet


Criteria Nursing research is important since it enables nursing learners to conduct studies, which are guided by a gap in their clinical settings. Nursing research findings are then translated into evidence-based intervention (Curtis et al., 2017)Clarifying Research Worksheet Paper. These evidence-based measures guide nursing practice, improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient care. It is significant for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research since they will guide them in conducting their research. It is important to complete this course since BSN students will use knowledge and skills acquired during the course to condicting research based on gaps existing in their healthcare settings, improving the quality of patient care and overall health outcomes.
Significance of



Use your own words to summarize:

a) the need for nursing research.

b) the significance for all professional nurses (BSN) to understand the basic principles of research.

c) why this course is important to complete.


Quantitative Research

Use your own words to summarize:

a) quantitative research and what you learned about this type of research.

b) one quantitative design that you learned; explain one important feature that helped you understand this design.

c) the significance of this type of research and how it can be used to improve nursing practice problems.


Quantitative research is a research methodology that allows scholars to test objective theories through the collection and analysis of quantitative data on specific study variables (Mohajan, 2020)Clarifying Research Worksheet Paper. Additionally, quantitative research evaluates the relationship between dependent and independent variables. One quantitative design that was learned during the course is experimental research. The most significant feature of this study that enhanced my understanding is collecting data through experimentation. The significance of quantitative research is the generation of numeric data. The collected data can be transformed into usable statistics once the clinical issue of interest is quantified. Quantitative research can be used in improving problems experienced in nursing practice by using data collected during the study to address the quantified clinical problem.
Qualitative Research


Use your own words to summarize:

a) qualitative research and what you learned about this type of research.

b) one qualitative design that you learned; explain one important feature that helped you understand this design.

c) the significance of this type of research and how it can be used to improve nursing practice problems.


Qualitative research is a type of research that involve the collection and analysis of non-numerical data to enhance understanding of concepts, experiences, or opinions. The qualitative research design that was learned during the course is phenomenological. The most significant feature of this research design involves allowing the researchers to investigate a particular phenomenon by describing and interpreting participants’ opinions, views, and experiences. This research is important since it enhances understanding of the specific phenomenon. The research design can be used to improve nurse practice problems by analyzing experiences and the opinions of people affected by a particular clinical issue.
Research Sampling

Use your own words to summarize:

a) what is sampling and why is sampling important.

b) one sampling strategy you learned that can be used in quantitative research. Include what you learned.

c) one other sampling strategy that you learned.

Samling is the process of selecting the study’s participants. Sampling is important since it allows researchers to obtain enough data to answer the research question for a portion of the targeted population, which saves time and money. The sampling technique learned during the course that can be included in quantitative research is the random sampling technique. I learned that in the random sampling technique, the participants are selected randomly, minimizing bias. Another sampling technique that was learned during the course is stratified purposive sampling.
Credible Nursing



Use your own words to summarize:

a) How does research help make the nursing practice safe.

b) Share a way you believe research has impacted nursing practice.

c) Why is research critical for creating an evidence-based nursing profession?


 Nursing enhances safety in nursing practice by allowing nursing scholars to study safety issues and strategies for addressing them. Research findings are translated into evidence-based practices, enhancing the safety of the nursing practice. I believe research has impacted nursing practice by providing nurses with scientific-based findings that guide them in providing high-quality patient care. Research plays a significant role in creating an evidence-based nursing profession since research findings are converted into evidence-based practices. Clarifying Research Worksheet Paper

Use your own words to summarize:

a) how you plan to utilize your learning to make a difference in your practice. Use your current area of nursing or where you hope to work as a nurse.

b) how do you believe this course is meant to help you practice as a BSN?

c) what you learned from completing the clarifying research worksheet activity.

I will use the knowledge acquired in this course to conduct research. Research findings will be translated into evidence-based interventions, improving the quality of care. As a BSN this course aims at equipping me with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct research studies, addressing gaps existing in clinical practice. By completing this activity, I learned that qualitative and quantitative research methodologies are used in nursing research.



Curtis, K., Fry, M., Shaban, R. Z., & Considine, J. (2017). Translating research findings to clinical nursing practice. Journal of clinical nursing26(5-6), 862-872.

Mohajan, H. K. (2020). Quantitative research: A successful investigation in natural and social sciences. Journal of Economic Development, Environment, and People9(4), 50-79 Clarifying Research Worksheet Paper